
Jeremy Millard

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6EEThomas Odamtten, Jeremy Millard: Learning from others within the landscape of "transitional economies" and the challenge in ICT development for African countries. AI Soc. 23(1): 51-60 (2009)
5EETheresa A. Pardo, Jeremy Millard, Hans Jochen Scholl: Minitrack: E-Government Emerging Topics. HICSS 2007: 91
4EEJaro Berce, Annaflavia Bianchi, Clara Centeno, David Osimo, Jeremy Millard, Jamal Shahin: The Organisation and Coordination of European e-Government Research for the EU in 2010. EGOV 2006: 37-46
3EEJeremy Millard: Reorganisation of Government Back-Offices for Better Electronic Public Services. EGOV 2004: 363-370
2EEHerbert Kubicek, Jeremy Millard, Hilmar Westholm: Methodology for Analysing the Relationship between the Reorganisation of the Back Office and Better Electronic Public Services. EGOV 2003: 199-206
1EEJeremy Millard: e-Government Strategies: Best Practice Reports from the European Front Line. EGOV 2002: 298-306

Coauthor Index

1Jaro Berce [4]
2Annaflavia Bianchi [4]
3Clara Centeno [4]
4Herbert Kubicek [2]
5Thomas Odamtten [6]
6David Osimo [4]
7Theresa A. Pardo [5]
8Hans Jochen Scholl [5]
9Jamal Shahin [4]
10Hilmar Westholm [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)