
Frank Mill

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5EEDoug E. R. Clark, Jonathan R. Corney, Frank Mill, Heather J. Rea, Andrew Sherlock, Nick K. Taylor: Benchmarking shape signatures against human perceptions of geometric similarity. Computer-Aided Design 38(9): 1038-1051 (2006)
4EEPeter Baron, Robert B. Fisher, Andrew Tuson, Frank Mill, Andrew Sherlock: A voxel-based representation for evolutionary shape optimization. AI EDAM 13(3): 145-156 (1999)
3 Peter Baron, Robert B. Fisher, Andrew Sherlock, Frank Mill, Andrew Tuson: A Voxel Based Approach to Evolutionary Shape Optimisation. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1997: 253-262
2 Phil Husbands, Frank Mill: Simulated Co-Evolution as the Mechanism for Emergent Planning and Scheduling. ICGA 1991: 264-270
1 Phil Husbands, Frank Mill, Stephen Warrington: Genetic Algorithms, Production Plan Optimisation, and Scheduling. PPSN 1990: 80-84

Coauthor Index

1Peter Baron [3] [4]
2Douglas E. R. Clark (Doug E. R. Clark) [5]
3Jonathan R. Corney [5]
4Robert B. Fisher [3] [4]
5Phil Husbands (Philip Husbands) [1] [2]
6Heather J. Rea [5]
7Andrew Sherlock [3] [4] [5]
8Nick K. Taylor [5]
9Andrew Tuson [3] [4]
10Stephen Warrington [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)