
Paul Milgram

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14EEZhonghai Li, Paul Milgram: An empirical investigation of a dynamic brake light concept for reduction of rear-end collisions through manipulation of optical looming. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(3): 158-172 (2008)
13EECaroline G. L. Cao, Paul Milgram: Direction and Location Are Not Sufficient for Navigating in Nonrigid Environments: An Empirical Study in Augmented Reality. Presence 16(6): 584-602 (2007)
12EEMaurice R. Masliah, Paul Milgram: Measuring the allocation of control in a 6 degree-of-freedom docking experiment. CHI 2000: 25-32
11EEShumin Zhai, Paul Milgram: Quantifying Coordination in Multiple DOF Movement and Its Application to Evaluating 6 DOF Input Devices. CHI 1998: 320-327
10EEShumin Zhai, Paul Milgram, William Buxton: The Influence of Muscle Groups on Performance of Multiple Degree-of-Freedom Input. CHI 1996: 308-315
9EEShumin Zhai, William Buxton, Paul Milgram: The Partial-Occlusion Effect: Utilizing Semitransparency in 3D Human-Computer Interaction. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 3(3): 254-284 (1996)
8EEShumin Zhai, William Buxton, Paul Milgram: The "Silk Cursor": investigating transparency for 3D target acquisition. CHI 1994: 459-464
7EEShumin Zhai, William Buxton, Paul Milgram: The "silk cursor": investigating. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 233
6EEShumin Zhai, Paul Milgram: Input techniques for HCI in 3D environments. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 85-86
5EEDavid Drascic, Julius Grodski, Paul Milgram, Ken Ruffo, Peter Wong, Shumin Zhai: ARGOS: a display system for augmenting reality. INTERCHI 1993: 521
4EEShumin Zhai, Paul Milgram, David Drascic: An evaluation of four 6 degree-of-freedom input techniques. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 123-125
3 Shumin Zhai, Paul Milgram: Human Performance Evaluation of Manipulation Schemes in Virtual Environments. VR 1993: 155-161
2EEYan Xiao, Paul Milgram: Visualisation of large networks in 3-D space: issues in implementation and experimental evaluation. CASCON 1992: 247-258
1 Paul Milgram, David Drascic, Julius Grodski: A virtual stereographic pointer for a real three dimensional video world. INTERACT 1990: 695-700

Coauthor Index

1William Buxton [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Caroline G. L. Cao [13]
3David Drascic [1] [4] [5]
4Julius Grodski [1] [5]
5Zhonghai Li [14]
6Maurice R. Masliah [12]
7Ken Ruffo [5]
8Peter Wong [5]
9Yan Xiao [2]
10Shumin Zhai [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)