
Mariusz Meszka

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13EEMariusz Meszka, Roman Nedela, Alexander Rosa: The chromatic number of 5-valent circulants. Discrete Mathematics 308(24): 6269-6284 (2008)
12EERafal Kalinowski, Mariusz Meszka: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 307(11-12): 1221-1222 (2007)
11EERafal Kalinowski, Mariusz Meszka: Research Problems from the Fourth Cracow Conference (Czorsztyn, 2002). Discrete Mathematics 307(11-12): 1545-1549 (2007)
10EEAgnieszka Görlich, Rafal Kalinowski, Mariusz Meszka, Monika Pilsniak, Mariusz Wozniak: A note on decompositions of transitive tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 307(7-8): 896-904 (2007)
9EEMariusz Meszka: Preface. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 24: 1 (2006)
8EEMariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: Decompositions of a complete multidigraph into nonhamiltonian paths. Journal of Graph Theory 51(1): 82-91 (2006)
7EEMariusz Meszka, Alexander Rosa: Embedding Steiner triple systems into Steiner systems S(2, 4, v). Discrete Mathematics 274(1-3): 199-212 (2004)
6EEZbigniew Lonc, Mariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: Edge Decompositions of Multigraphs into 3-Matchings. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(4): 507-515 (2004)
5EERafal Kalinowski, Antoni Marczyk, Mariusz Meszka, A. Pawel Wojda: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 1- (2001)
4EEPavol Gvozdjak, Peter Horák, Mariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: On the Strong Chromatic Index of Cyclic Multigraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 99(1-3): 23-38 (2000)
3EEMariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: On some third parts of nearly complete digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 212(1-2): 129-139 (2000)
2 Jaroslav Ivanco, Mariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: Decomposition of Multigraphs into Isomorphic Graphs with Two Edges. Ars Comb. 51: (1999)
1EEMariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: Self-Converse and Oriented Graphs among the Third Parts of Nearly Complete Digraphs. Combinatorica 18(3): 413-424 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Agnieszka Görlich [10]
2Pavol Gvozdjak [4]
3Peter Horák [4]
4Jaroslav Ivanco [2]
5Rafal Kalinowski [5] [10] [11] [12]
6Zbigniew Lonc [6]
7Antoni Marczyk [5]
8Roman Nedela [13]
9Monika Pilsniak [10]
10Alexander Rosa [7] [13]
11Zdzislaw Skupien [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8]
12A. Pawel Wojda [5]
13Mariusz Wozniak [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)