
Peter Horák

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28EEBader F. AlBdaiwi, Peter Horák, Lorenzo Milazzo: Enumerating and decoding perfect linear Lee codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 52(2): 155-162 (2009)
27EEPeter Horák, Bader F. AlBdaiwi: Fast decoding of quasi-perfect Lee distance codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 40(3): 357-367 (2006)
26EEPeter Horák: On the chromatic number of Steiner triple systems of order 25. Discrete Mathematics 299(1-3): 120-128 (2005)
25EEPeter Horák, Alexander Rosa: Extended Petersen graphs. Discrete Mathematics 299(1-3): 129-140 (2005)
24EEPeter Horák, Tomás Kaiser, Moshe Rosenfeld, Zdenek Ryjácek: The Prism Over the Middle-levels Graph is Hamiltonian. Order 22(1): 73-81 (2005)
23EEOtokar Grosek, Peter Horák, Tran van Trung: On Non-Polynomial Latin Squares. Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 217-226 (2004)
22EEPeter Horák, Roman Nedela, Alexander Rosa: The Hamilton-Waterloo problem: the case of Hamilton cycles and triangle-factors. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 181-188 (2004)
21 Ljiljana Brankovic, Peter Horák, Mirka Miller, Alexander Rosa: Premature partial latin squares. Ars Comb. 63: (2002)
20 Peter Horák, Edward Bertram, S. Mohammed: Small 2-factors of Bipartite Graphs. Ars Comb. 58: (2001)
19 Elias Dahlhaus, Peter Horák, Mirka Miller, Joseph F. Ryan: The train marshalling problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 103(1-3): 41-54 (2000)
18EEPavol Gvozdjak, Peter Horák, Mariusz Meszka, Zdzislaw Skupien: On the Strong Chromatic Index of Cyclic Multigraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 99(1-3): 23-38 (2000)
17EEPeter Horák, Ladislav Stacho: A lower bound on the number of hamiltonian cycles. Discrete Mathematics 222(1-3): 275-280 (2000)
16EELjiljana Brankovic, Peter Horák, Mirka Miller: An Optimization Problem in Statistical Databases. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 13(3): 346-353 (2000)
15EEPeter Horák, Ljiljana Brankovic, Mirka Miller: A Combinatorial Problem in Database Security. Discrete Applied Mathematics 91(1-3): 119-126 (1999)
14EELjiljana Brankovic, Peter Horák, Mirka Miller, Graham Wrightson: Usability of Compromise-Free Statistical Databases SSDBM 1997: 144-154
13 Peter Horák, Nicholas C. K. Phillips, Walter D. Wallis, Joseph L. Yucas: Counting frequencies of configurations in Steiner Triple Systems. Ars Comb. 46: (1997)
12 Peter Horák, Alexander Rosa, Jozef Sirán: Maximal Orthogonal Latin Rectangles. Ars Comb. 47: (1997)
11EEAnton Cerný, Peter Horák, Walter D. Wallis: Kirkman's school projects. Discrete Mathematics 167-168: 189-196 (1997)
10EEEdward Bertram, Peter Horák: Decomposing 4-Regular Graphs into Triangle-Free 2-Factors. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 10(2): 309-317 (1997)
9 Richard A. Brualdi, Gena Hahn, Peter Horák, Earl S. Kramer, Stephen Mellendorf, Dale M. Mesner: On a Matrix Partition Conjecture. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 69(2): 333-346 (1995)
8EEPeter Horák, Zsolt Tuza: Large s-representable set systems with low maximum degree. Discrete Mathematics 122(1-3): 205-217 (1993)
7EEPeter Horák: Extending partial systems of distinct representatives. Discrete Mathematics 91(1): 95-98 (1991)
6EEPeter Horák, Jozef Sirán: Solution of two problems of P. Erdös concerning Hamiltonian cycles. Discrete Mathematics 84(1): 23-29 (1990)
5EEPeter Horák: A coloring problem related to the Erdös-Faber-Lovász conjecture. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 50(2): 321-322 (1990)
4EEKatherine Heinrich, Peter Horák, Alexander Rosa: On Alspach's conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 97-121 (1989)
3EEPeter Horák: Subgraphs intersecting any hamiltonian cycle. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 44(1): 75-86 (1988)
2EEJozef Sirán, Peter Horák: A construction of thickness-minimal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 64(2-3): 263-268 (1987)
1 Peter Horák: Latin Parallelepipeds and Cubes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 33(2): 213-214 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Bader F. AlBdaiwi [27] [28]
2Edward Bertram [10] [20]
3Ljiljana Brankovic [14] [15] [16] [21]
4Richard A. Brualdi [9]
5Anton Cerný [11]
6Elias Dahlhaus [19]
7Otokar Grosek [23]
8Pavol Gvozdjak [18]
9Gena Hahn [9]
10Katherine Heinrich [4]
11Tomás Kaiser [24]
12Earl S. Kramer [9]
13Stephen Mellendorf [9]
14Dale M. Mesner [9]
15Mariusz Meszka [18]
16Lorenzo Milazzo [28]
17Mirka Miller [14] [15] [16] [19] [21]
18S. Mohammed [20]
19Roman Nedela [22]
20Nicholas C. K. Phillips [13]
21Alexander Rosa [4] [12] [21] [22] [25]
22Moshe Rosenfeld [24]
23Joseph F. Ryan [19]
24Zdenek Ryjácek [24]
25Jozef Sirán [2] [6] [12]
26Zdzislaw Skupien [18]
27Ladislav Stacho [17]
28Tran van Trung [23]
29Zsolt Tuza [8]
30Walter D. Wallis (W. D. Wallis) [11] [13]
31Graham Wrightson [14]
32Joseph L. Yucas [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)