
Sebastian Meller

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4EESebastian Meller, Emeka Nkenke, Willi A. Kalender: Statistical Face Models for the Prediction of Soft-Tissue Deformations After Orthognathic Osteotomies. MICCAI (2) 2005: 443-450
3 Sebastian Meller, Willi A. Kalender: Building a statistical shape model of the pelvis. CARS 2004: 561-566
2 Ulrich Dieckmann, P. Plankensteiner, Ralf Schamburger, Bernhard Fröba, Sebastian Meller: SESAM: A Biometric Person Identification System Using Sensor Fusion. AVBPA 1997: 301-310
1 Sebastian Meller, Matthias Wolf, Dietrich Paulus, Matthias Pelka, Heinrich Niemann: Zahnrestauration mittels Bilddeformation. DAGM-Symposium 1997: 331-339

Coauthor Index

1Ulrich Dieckmann [2]
2Bernhard Fröba [2]
3Willi A. Kalender [3] [4]
4Heinrich Niemann [1]
5Emeka Nkenke [4]
6Dietrich Paulus [1]
7Matthias Pelka [1]
8P. Plankensteiner [2]
9Ralf Schamburger [2]
10Matthias Wolf [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)