
Per Håkon Meland

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3EEPer Håkon Meland, Jostein Jensen: Secure Software Design in Practice. ARES 2008: 1164-1171
2EEInger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Per Håkon Meland: Security Requirements for the Rest of Us: A Survey. IEEE Software 25(1): 20-27 (2008)
1EEShanai Ardi, David Byers, Per Håkon Meland, Inger Anne Tøndel, Nahid Shahmehri: How can the developer benefit from security modeling? ARES 2007: 1017-1025

Coauthor Index

1Shanai Ardi [1]
2David Byers [1]
3Martin Gilje Jaatun [2]
4Jostein Jensen [3]
5Nahid Shahmehri [1]
6Inger Anne Tøndel [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)