
James R. McDonald

Jim R. McDonald

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14EEM. Todd, Stephen D. J. McArthur, James R. McDonald, S. J. Shaw: A Semiautomatic Approach to Deriving Turbine Generator Diagnostic Knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 37(5): 979-992 (2007)
13EEKeshav P. Dahal, Stuart Galloway, Graeme M. Burt, Jim R. McDonald, Ian Hopkins: A case study of process facility optimization using discrete event simulation and genetic algorithm. GECCO 2005: 2197-2198
12EEStephen D. J. McArthur, E. M. Davidson, John A. Hossack, James R. McDonald: Automating Power System Fault Diagnosis through Multi-Agent System Technology. HICSS 2004
11EEGraeme M. West, James R. McDonald: An SQL-Based Approach to Similarity Assessment within a Relational Database. ICCBR 2003: 610-621
10EEKeshav P. Dahal, Stuart Galloway, Graeme M. Burt, Jim R. McDonald, Ian Hopkins: A Port System Simulation Facility With An Optimization Capability. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(4): 395-410 (2003)
9 Eleni E. Mangina, Stephen D. J. McArthur, James R. McDonald: Multiagent System for Condition-Monitoring Applications. Cybernetics and Systems 33(6): 543-558 (2002)
8 Eleni E. Mangina, Stephen D. J. McArthur, James R. McDonald: COMMAS (COndition Monitoring Multi-Agent System). Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 4(3): 279-282 (2001)
7 Keshav P. Dahal, Graeme M. Burt, Jim R. McDonald, A. Moyes: A case study of scheduling storage tanks using a hybrid genetic algorithm. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 5(3): 283-294 (2001)
6EECampbell Booth, James R. McDonald, Stephen D. J. McArthur: Forecasting and Prediction Applications in the Field of Power Engineering. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 31(1-3): 159-184 (2001)
5EEJudith Menal, A. Moyes, Stephen D. J. McArthur, J. A. Steele, James R. McDonald: Gas Circulator Design Advisory System: A Web Based Decision Support System for the Nuclear Industry. IEA/AIE 2000: 160-167
4EEJ. A. Steele, L. A. Martin, A. Moyes, Stephen D. J. McArthur, James R. McDonald, D. Young, R. Elrick, D. Howie, I. Y. Yule: Towards an Estimation Aid for Nuclear Power Plant Refueling Operations. IEA/AIE 2000: 56-66
3EEEleni E. Mangina, Stephen D. J. McArthur, James R. McDonald: Autonomous Agents for Distributed Problem Solving in Condition Monitoring. IEA/AIE 2000: 683-692
2EECampbell Booth, Jim R. McDonald: The use of artificial neural networks for condition monitoring of electrical power transformers. Neurocomputing 23(1-3): 97-109 (1998)
1 Eric Georgin, Frederic Bordin, S. Loesel, Jim R. McDonald: CBR Applied to Fault Diagnosis on Steam Turbines. UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 1995: 175-184

Coauthor Index

1Campbell Booth [2] [6]
2Frederic Bordin [1]
3Graeme M. Burt [7] [10] [13]
4Keshav P. Dahal [7] [10] [13]
5E. M. Davidson [12]
6R. Elrick [4]
7Stuart Galloway [10] [13]
8Eric Georgin [1]
9Ian Hopkins [10] [13]
10John A. Hossack [12]
11D. Howie [4]
12S. Loesel [1]
13Eleni E. Mangina [3] [8] [9]
14L. A. Martin [4]
15Stephen D. J. McArthur [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [14]
16Judith Menal [5]
17A. Moyes [4] [5] [7]
18S. J. Shaw [14]
19J. A. Steele [4] [5]
20M. Todd [14]
21Graeme M. West [11]
22D. Young [4]
23I. Y. Yule [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)