
James L. McClelland

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9EEJames L. McClelland, Kim Plunkett, Juyang Weng: Guest Editorial: Convergent Approaches to the Understanding of Autonomous Mental Development. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 11(2): 133-136 (2007)
8EEJavier R. Movellan, James L. McClelland: Information Factorization in Connectionist Models of Perception. NIPS 1999: 45-51
7 Randall C. O'Reilly, Kenneth A. Norman, James L. McClelland: A Hippocampal Model of Recognition Memory. NIPS 1997
6 Javier R. Movellan, James L. McClelland: Learning Continuous Probability Distributions with Symmetric Diffusion Networks. Cognitive Science 17(4): 463-496 (1993)
5 David Servan-Schreiber, Axel Cleeremans, James L. McClelland: Graded State Machines: The Representation of Temporal Contingencies in Simple Recurrent Networks. Machine Learning 7: 161-193 (1991)
4 Mark F. St. John, James L. McClelland: Learning and Applying Contextual Constraints in Sentence Comprehension. Artif. Intell. 46(1-2): 217-257 (1990)
3EEDavid Servan-Schreiber, Axel Cleeremans, James L. McClelland: Learning Subsequential Structure in Simple Recurrent Networks. NIPS 1988: 643-652
2EEGeoffrey E. Hinton, James L. McClelland: Learning Representations by Recirculation. NIPS 1987: 358-366
1 James L. McClelland: Putting Knowledge in its Place: A Scheme for Programming Parallel Processing Structures on the Fly. Cognitive Science 9(1): 113-146 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Axel Cleeremans [3] [5]
2Geoffrey E. Hinton [2]
3Mark F. St. John [4]
4Javier R. Movellan [6] [8]
5Kenneth A. Norman [7]
6Randall C. O'Reilly [7]
7Kim Plunkett [9]
8David Servan-Schreiber [3] [5]
9Juyang Weng (John (Juyang) Weng) [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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