
William E. McCarthy

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6EEJulie Smith David, William E. McCarthy, Brian S. Sommer: Agility: the key to survival of the fittest in the software market. Commun. ACM 46(5): 65-69 (2003)
5EEMohamed B. Trabia, William E. McCarthy: Design of fuzzy logic controllers for optimal performance. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 6(4): 459-470 (1998)
4EEWilliam E. McCarthy: Semantic Modeling in Accounting Education, Practice, and Research: Some Progress and Impediments. Conceptual Modeling 1997: 144-153
3 J. Owen Cherrington, William E. McCarthy, David P. Andros, Richard Roth, Eric L. Denna: Event-Driven Business Solutions: Implementation Experiences and Issues. ICIS 1993: 394-395
2EEWilliam E. McCarthy, Graham Gal: Declarative and Procedural Features of a CODASYL Accounting System ER 1981: 195-211
1EEWilliam E. McCarthy: Construction and Use of Integrated Accounting Systems with Entity-Relationship Modelling. ER 1979: 625-637

Coauthor Index

1David P. Andros [3]
2J. Owen Cherrington [3]
3Julie Smith David [6]
4Eric L. Denna [3]
5Graham Gal [2]
6Richard Roth [3]
7Brian S. Sommer [6]
8Mohamed B. Trabia [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)