2009 |
31 | EE | Tsong Yueh Chen,
De Hao Huang,
Fei-Ching Kuo,
Robert G. Merkel,
Johannes Mayer:
Enhanced lattice-based adaptive random testing.
SAC 2009: 422-429 |
2007 |
30 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Sami Beydeda:
Message of the Program Chairs of STEV’07.
QSIC 2007: 370-371 |
29 | EE | Ralph Guderlei,
Johannes Mayer:
Statistical Metamorphic Testing Testing Programs with Random Output by Means of Statistical Hypothesis Tests and Metamorphic Testing.
QSIC 2007: 404-409 |
28 | EE | Ralph Guderlei,
Johannes Mayer,
Christoph Schneckenburger,
Frank Fleischer:
Testing randomized software by means of statistical hypothesis tests.
SOQUA 2007: 46-54 |
27 | EE | Christoph Schneckenburger,
Johannes Mayer:
Towards the determination of typical failure patterns.
SOQUA 2007: 90-93 |
26 | EE | Claudia Wittke,
Johannes Mayer,
Franz Schweiggert:
On the Classification of Prostate Carcinoma With Methods from Spatial Statistics.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(4): 406-414 (2007) |
25 | EE | Ralph Guderlei,
S. Klenk,
Johannes Mayer,
V. Schmidt,
E. Spodarev:
Algorithms for the computation of the Minkowski functionals of deterministic and random polyconvex sets.
Image Vision Comput. 25(4): 464-474 (2007) |
24 | EE | Ralph Guderlei,
Johannes Mayer:
Towards Automatic Testing of Imaging Software by Means of Random and Metamorphic Testing.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 17(6): 757-781 (2007) |
2006 |
23 | | Johannes Mayer,
Robert G. Merkel:
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Random Testing, RT 2006, Portland, Maine, July 20, 2006
ACM 2006 |
22 | | Johannes Mayer,
Neelam Gupta,
Yves Ledru:
Third International Workshop on Software Quality Assurance, SOQUA 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA, November 6, 2006
ACM 2006 |
21 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Ralph Guderlei:
An Empirical Study on the Selection of Good Metamorphic Relations.
COMPSAC (1) 2006: 475-484 |
20 | EE | Johannes Mayer:
Towards effective adaptive random testing for higher-dimensional input domains.
GECCO 2006: 1955-1956 |
19 | EE | Boto Bako,
Andreas Borchert,
Norbert Heidenbluth,
Johannes Mayer:
Linearly Ordered Plugins through Self-Organization.
ICAS 2006: 8 |
18 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Christoph Schneckenburger:
An empirical analysis and comparison of random testing techniques.
ISESE 2006: 105-114 |
17 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Christoph Schneckenburger:
Adaptive Random Testing with Enlarged Input Domain.
QSIC 2006: 251-258 |
16 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Ralph Guderlei:
On Random Testing of Image Processing Applications.
QSIC 2006: 85-92 |
15 | EE | Johannes Mayer:
Adaptive random testing with randomly translated failure region.
Random Testing 2006: 70-77 |
14 | | Johannes Mayer:
Efficient and Effective Random Testing based on Partitioning and Neighborhood.
SEKE 2006: 479-484 |
13 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Tsong Yueh Chen,
Dehao Huang:
Adaptive random testing through iterative partitioning revisited.
SOQUA 2006: 22-29 |
12 | | Johannes Mayer,
Christoph Schneckenburger:
Statistical Analysis and Enhancement of Random Testing Methods also under Constrained Resources.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 16-23 |
11 | | Boto Bako,
Andreas Borchert,
Norbert Heidenbluth,
Johannes Mayer:
Plugin-Based Systems with Self-Organized Hierarchical Presentation.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 577-584 |
10 | | Johannes Mayer:
Restricted Adaptive Random Testing by Random Partitioning.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 59-65 |
2005 |
9 | | Ralf Reussner,
Johannes Mayer,
Judith A. Stafford,
Sven Overhage,
Steffen Becker,
Patrick J. Schroeder:
Quality of Software Architectures and Software Quality, First International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA 2005 and Second International Workshop on Software Quality, SOQUA 2005, Erfurt, Germany, September 20-22, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
8 | EE | Johannes Mayer:
Lattice-based adaptive random testing.
ASE 2005: 333-336 |
7 | EE | Johannes Mayer:
Adaptive Random Testing by Bisection and Localization.
FATES 2005: 72-86 |
6 | EE | Johannes Mayer:
Adaptive Random Testing by Bisection with Restriction.
ICFEM 2005: 251-263 |
5 | | Johannes Mayer:
On Testing Image Processing Applications with Statistical Methods.
Software Engineering 2005: 69-78 |
2004 |
4 | | Sami Beydeda,
Volker Gruhn,
Johannes Mayer,
Ralf Reussner,
Franz Schweiggert:
Testing of Component-Based Systems and Software Quality, Proceedings of SOQUA 2004 (First International Workshop on Software Quality) and TECOS 2004 (Workshop Testing Component-Based Systems)
GI 2004 |
3 | | Johannes Mayer,
Ralph Guderlei:
Test Oracles Using Statistical Methods.
SOQUA/TECOS 2004: 179-189 |
2 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
V. Schmidt,
Franz Schweiggert:
A unified simulation framework for spatial stochastic models.
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 12(5): 307-326 (2004) |
2002 |
1 | EE | Johannes Mayer,
Ingo Melzer,
Franz Schweiggert:
Lightweight Plug-In-Based Application Development.
NetObjectDays 2002: 87-102 |