
Phil May

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5EESilviu Ciricescu, Ray Essick, Brian Lucas, Phil May, Kent Moat, Jim Norris, Michael A. Schuette, Ali Saidi: The Reconfigurable Streaming Vector Processor (RSVPTM). MICRO 2003: 141-150
4EEPhil May, Santithorn Bunchua, D. Scott Wills: HiPER: A Compact Narrow Channel Router with Hop-by-Hop Error Correction. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(5): 485-498 (2002)
3EEPhil May, Sek M. Chai, D. Scott Wills: HiPER-P: An Efficient, High-Performance Router for Multicomputer Interconnection Networks. PCRCW 1997: 103-118
2 Phil May, Myunghee Lee, Scott T. Wilkinson, Olivier Vendier, Zhuang Ho, Steven W. Bond, D. Scott Wills, Martin A. Brooke, Nan M. Jokerst, April Brown: A 100 Mbps, LED Through-Wafer Optoelectronic Link for Multicomputer Interconnection Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 41(1): 3-19 (1997)
1 William F. Appelbe, Srinivas Doddapaneni, Reid Harmon, Phil May, D. Scott Wills, Maurizio Vitale: Hoisting Branch Conditions - Improving Super-Scalar Processor Performance. LCPC 1995: 304-317

Coauthor Index

1William F. Appelbe [1]
2Steven W. Bond [2]
3Martin A. Brooke [2]
4April Brown [2]
5Santithorn Bunchua [4]
6Sek M. Chai [3]
7Silviu Ciricescu [5]
8Srinivas Doddapaneni [1]
9Ray Essick [5]
10Reid Harmon [1]
11Zhuang Ho [2]
12Nan M. Jokerst [2]
13Myunghee Lee [2]
14Brian Lucas [5]
15Kent Moat [5]
16Jim Norris [5]
17Ali Saidi [5]
18Michael A. Schuette [5]
19Olivier Vendier [2]
20Maurizio Vitale [1]
21Scott T. Wilkinson [2]
22D. Scott Wills [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)