
Maria Cristina Matteucci

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4 Maria Cristina Matteucci, Andrea Omicini, Elena Nardini, Pietro Gaffuri: Proceedings of the Conference Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in education (2008), Cesena, Italy, September 1-2, 2008 CEUR-WS.org 2008
3EEFelice Carugati, Patrizia Selleri, Maria Cristina Matteucci, Carlos Tomasetto, Elvis Mazzoni, Pietro Gaffuri: Monitoring and Analyzing Collaboration in e-Learning Environment: Two Case Studies applied to Vocational Training. Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context 2008
2EEMaria Cristina Matteucci: Preface. Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context 2008
1EEMaria Cristina Matteucci, Carlos Tomasetto, Felice Carugati, Patrizia Selleri: Social Networks and Knowledge Construction Promotion in e-Learning Contexts. Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context 2008

Coauthor Index

1Felice Carugati [1] [3]
2Pietro Gaffuri [3] [4]
3Elvis Mazzoni [3]
4Elena Nardini [4]
5Andrea Omicini [4]
6Patrizia Selleri [1] [3]
7Carlos Tomasetto [1] [3]

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