
Kieran Mathieson

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5EEKieran Mathieson: Factors influencing intentions to maintain web content in voluntary organizations. CPR 2006: 169-171
4EEKieran Mathieson: Using volunteers for IT work: research questions. CPR 2006: 230-235
3EEKieran Mathieson, Mukesh Bhargava, Mohan Tanniru: Web-Based Consumer Decision Tools: Motivations and Constraints. Electronic Markets 9(4): (1999)
2EEKieran Mathieson, Terence Ryan: The Effect of Definitional Variations on Users' Evaluations of Information Systems. DATA BASE 25(2): 37-48 (1994)
1 Kieran Mathieson, Terence Ryan: A Goal-Driven Cognitive Model Of The Systems Evaluation Process. ICIS 1991: 177-186

Coauthor Index

1Mukesh Bhargava [3]
2Terence Ryan [1] [2]
3Mohan Tanniru [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)