
Philippe Matherat

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3 Philippe Matherat, Marc-Thierry Jaekel: Concurrent Computing Machines And Physical Space-Time. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 13(5): 771-798 (2003)
2EEPhilippe Matherat, Marc-Thierry Jaekel: Concurrent computing machines and physical space-time CoRR cs.DC/0112020: (2001)
1 Philippe Hoogvorst, Ronan Keryell, Philippe Matherat, Nicolas Paris: POMP or How to Design a Massively Parallel Machine with Small Developments. PARLE (1) 1991: 83-100

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Hoogvorst [1]
2Marc-Thierry Jaekel [2] [3]
3Ronan Keryell [1]
4Nicolas Paris [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)