
Ramón A. Mata-Toledo

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6EEJohn R. Cordani, Kenneth Geide, Ramón A. Mata-Toledo: University jewels and robbers: what are they? SIGUCCS 1997: 57-61
5EERamón A. Mata-Toledo, Matthew A. Willis: Visualization of random sequences using the chaos game algorithm. Journal of Systems and Software 39(1): 3-6 (1997)
4EEC. Samuel Hsieh, Elizabeth A. Unger, Ramón A. Mata-Toledo: Using program dependence graphs for information flow control. Journal of Systems and Software 17(3): 227-232 (1992)
3EERamón A. Mata-Toledo, David A. Gustafson: A factor analysis of software complexity measures. Journal of Systems and Software 17(3): 267-273 (1992)
2 David A. Gustafson, Ramón A. Mata-Toledo, Richard E. Courtney, Naim Temsamani: A Critique of Validation/Verification Techniques for Software Development Measures. Formal Aspects of Measurement 1991: 145-156
1 Frank D. Anger, Robert A. Morris, Rita V. Rodríguez, Ramón A. Mata-Toledo: A Temporal Relational Calculus. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1988: 177-186

Coauthor Index

1Frank D. Anger [1]
2John R. Cordani [6]
3Richard E. Courtney [2]
4Kenneth Geide [6]
5David A. Gustafson [2] [3]
6C. Samuel Hsieh [4]
7Robert A. Morris [1]
8Rita V. Rodríguez [1]
9Naim Temsamani [2]
10Elizabeth A. Unger [4]
11Matthew A. Willis [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)