
David Massart

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10 David Massart, Jean-Noel Colin, Frans Van Assche: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Learning Object Discovery & Exchange, LODE 2007, Sissi, Lassithi - Crete Greece, 18 September, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2008
9EEN. V. Nguyen, David Massart: Binding the Simple Query Interface. LODE 2007
8EEDavid Massart: CELEBRATE's Lessons. EC-TEL Workshops 2006
7EEJean-Noel Colin, David Massart: LIMBS: Open Source, Open Standards, and Open Content To Foster Learning Resource Exchanges. ICALT 2006: 682-686
6EEFrans Van Assche, Erik Duval, David Massart, Daniel Olmedilla, Bernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Stefaan Ternier, Fridolin Wild: Spinning Interoperable Applications for Teaching & Learning using the Simple Query Interface. Educational Technology & Society 9(2): 51-67 (2006)
5 Frans Van Assche, David Massart: Federation and Brokerage of Learning Objects and Their Metadata. ICALT 2004
4EEDavid Massart, Le Tien Dung: Federated Search of Learning Object Repositories: the CeLeBraTe Approach. RIVF 2004: 143-146
3EEAlain Pirotte, David Massart: Integrating Two Descriptions of Taxonomies with Materialization. Journal of Object Technology 3(5): 143-149 (2004)
2EEDavid Massart, Frans Van Assche: Metadata Management in the Celebrate European Learning Network. MMGPS 2003
1EEAlain Pirotte, Esteban Zimányi, David Massart, Tatiana Yakusheva: Materialization: A Powerful and Ubiquitous Abstraction Pattern. VLDB 1994: 630-641

Coauthor Index

1Frans Van Assche [2] [5] [6] [10]
2Jean-Noel Colin [7] [10]
3Le Tien Dung [4]
4Erik Duval [6]
5N. V. Nguyen [9]
6Daniel Olmedilla [6]
7Alain Pirotte [1] [3]
8Bernd Simon [6]
9Stefan Sobernig [6]
10Stefaan Ternier [6]
11Fridolin Wild [6]
12Tatiana Yakusheva [1]
13Esteban Zimányi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)