
Margaret Martinez

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7 Edward Jones, Margaret Martinez: Learning Orientations in University Web-Based Courses. WebNet 2001: 621-626
6EEMargaret Martinez: Key Design Considerations for Personalized Learning on the Web. Educational Technology & Society 4(1): (2001)
5EEMargaret Martinez: International learning in an international world. ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 24(1): 3-20 (2000)
4EEMargaret Martinez: Intentional learning in an intentional world: new perspectives on audience analysis and instructional system design for successful learning and performance. SIGDOC 1999: 211-220
3 Margaret Martinez, Victor Bunderson, Laurie Nelson, Joanne Ruttan: Successful Learning in the New Millennium: A New Web Learning Paradigm. WebNet 1999: 700-704
2 Margaret Martinez: A New Paradigm for Successful Learning on the Web. WebNet 1999: 705-710
1EEMargaret Martinez: Designing Intentional Learning Environments. SIGDOC 1997: 173-180

Coauthor Index

1Victor Bunderson [3]
2Edward Jones [7]
3Laurie Nelson [3]
4Joanne Ruttan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)