
Richard Martin

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12EEAndreas Savvides, Richard Martin: Introduction. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(1): 1-2 (2007)
11EEAndreas Savvides, Richard Martin, Mani B. Srivastava: Special note from the editors. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(3): 47 (2007)
10EERichard Martin, Scott Weiss: Usability benchmarking case study: media downloads via mobile phones in the US. Mobile HCI 2006: 195-198
9EERichard Martin, Edward L. Robertson: A Comparison of Frameworks for Enterprise Architecture Modeling. ER 2003: 562-564
8EEAsim Smailagic, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Richard Martin, Denis J. Reilly: CMU Wearable Computers for Real-Time Speech Translation. ISWC 1999: 187-190
7EEFrancine Gemperle, Chris Kasabach, John Stivoric, Malcolm Bauer, Richard Martin: Design for Wearability. ISWC 1998: 116-122
6EEDaniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, Leonard J. Bass, Jane Siegel, Richard Martin, Ben Bennington: Adtranz: A Mobile Computing System for Maintenance and Collaboration. ISWC 1998: 25-32
5 Leonard J. Bass, Chris Kasabach, Richard Martin, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, John Stivoric: The Design of a Wearable Computer. CHI 1997: 139-146
4EEAsim Smailagic, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Richard Martin, John Stivoric: Very Rapid Prototyping of Wearable Computers: A Case Study of Custom versus Off-the-Shelf Design Methodologies. DAC 1997: 315-320
3EEAsim Smailagic, Richard Martin: Metronaut: A Wearable Computer with Sensing and Global Communication Capabilities. ISWC 1997: 116-122
2 Asim Smailagic, Richard Martin, Bohuslav Rychlik, Joseph Rowlands, Berend Ozceri: Metronaut: A Wearable Computer with Sensing and Global Communication Capabilities. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1(3): (1997)
1 Richard Martin, Antoine Proietto, Bruno Scardia, Jacek Szymanski: Heuristics Driven Real Time Software Desgin. Faking Ideal Design Process with TOCCATA Method. Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 383-400

Coauthor Index

1Leonard J. Bass (Len Bass) [5] [6]
2Malcolm Bauer [7]
3Ben Bennington [6]
4Francine Gemperle [7]
5Chris Kasabach [5] [7]
6Berend Ozceri [2]
7Antoine Proietto [1]
8Denis J. Reilly [8]
9Edward L. Robertson [9]
10Joseph Rowlands [2]
11Bohuslav Rychlik [2]
12Andreas Savvides [11] [12]
13Bruno Scardia [1]
14Jane Siegel [6]
15Daniel P. Siewiorek [4] [5] [6] [8]
16Asim Smailagic [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
17Mani B. Srivastava [11]
18John Stivoric [4] [5] [7]
19Jacek Szymanski [1]
20Scott Weiss [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)