
Ernestina Martel

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6EEErnestina Martel, Javier Miranda, Francisco Guerra Santana, Luis Hernández: Remote Management of Distributed Applications. PDP 2004: 159-
5EEErnestina Martel, Francisco Guerra Santana, Javier Miranda, Luis Hernández: A Graphical Environment for GLADE. Ada-Europe 2003: 182-195
4EEFrancisco Javier Miranda González, Francisco Guerra Santana, Ernestina Martel, José Martín, Alexis González: How to Use GNAT to Efficiently Preprocess New Ada Sentences. Ada-Europe 2002: 179-192
3EEErnestina Martel, Francisco Guerra Santana, Francisco Javier Miranda González: A Tailorable Distributed Programming Environment. Ada-Europe 2002: 269-281
2EEErnestina Martel, Francisco Guerra Santana, Javier Miranda: EPDA-modeller: a tool for modelling a distributed programming environment. ISCC 2002: 245-250
1EEF. Guerra, Javier Miranda, J. M. Santos, Ernestina Martel, Luis Hernández, E. Pulido: Programming Distributed Systems with Group_IO. PDP 2002: 188-197

Coauthor Index

1Alexis González [4]
2Francisco Javier Miranda González [3] [4]
3F. Guerra [1]
4Luis Hernández [1] [5] [6]
5José Martín [4]
6Javier Miranda [1] [2] [5] [6]
7E. Pulido [1]
8Francisco Guerra Santana [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9J. M. Santos [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)