
F. Guerra

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3EEMiguel A. Goberna, S. Gómez, F. Guerra, Maxim I. Todorov: Sensitivity analysis in linear semi-infinite programming: Perturbing cost and right-hand-side coefficients. European Journal of Operational Research 181(3): 1069-1085 (2007)
2EEF. Guerra, Javier Miranda, J. M. Santos, Ernestina Martel, Luis Hernández, E. Pulido: Programming Distributed Systems with Group_IO. PDP 2002: 188-197
1EEJavier Miranda, F. Guerra, J. Martin, A. Gonzalez: A Technique to Build Ada Preprocessors. PDP 2002: 196-200

Coauthor Index

1Miguel A. Goberna [3]
2S. Gómez [3]
3A. Gonzalez [1]
4Luis Hernández [2]
5Ernestina Martel [2]
6J. Martin [1]
7Javier Miranda [1] [2]
8E. Pulido [2]
9J. M. Santos [2]
10Maxim I. Todorov [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)