
Stephen Marshall

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15EEEusebio Scornavacca Jr., Stephen Marshall: TXT-2-LRN: improving students' learning exper ience in the classroom through interactive SMS. HICSS 2007: 5
14 Tarek A. Mahmoud, Stephen Marshall: Threshold decomposition driven adaptive morphological filter for image sharpening. VISAPP (1) 2007: 40-45
13EERobin J. Bruce, Richard Chamberlain, Malachy Devlin, Stephen Marshall: Poster reception - Implementing algorithms on FPGAs using high-level languages and low-level libraries. SC 2006: 153
12EETim Wright, James Noble, Stephen Marshall: Tim Wright James Noble Stephen Marshall. ACE 2005: 187-192
11EEStephen Marshall, Geoff Mitchell: Applying SPICE to e-Learning: An e-Learning Maturity Model? ACE 2004: 185-191
10EEJames Noble, Stuart Marshall, Stephen Marshall, Robert Biddle: Less Extreme Programming. ACE 2004: 217-226
9 M. S. Hamid, Neal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall: Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 13(5): 406-416 (2003)
8 M. S. Hamid, Neal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall: Corrections to "Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration". IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 13(7): 726-726 (2003)
7EEJ. McKenzie, Stephen Marshall, Alison J. Gray, Edward R. Dougherty: Morphological Texture Analysis Using the Texture Evolution Function. IJPRAI 17(2): 167-186 (2003)
6EEAlan C. Green, Stephen Marshall, David Greenhalgh, Edward R. Dougherty: Design of multi-mask aperture filters. Signal Processing 83(9): 1961-1971 (2003)
5 David Greenhalgh, Stephen Marshall: Convergence Criteria for Genetic Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 30(1): 269-282 (2000)
4 Neal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall: GA Optimisation of Spatio-Temporal Grey-Scale Soft Morphological Filters with Applications in Archive Film Restoration. EvoWorkshops 1999: 31-45
3 Neal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall: Restoration of archive film material using multi-dimensional soft morphological filters. NSIP 1999: 811-815
2EENeil Woolfries, Patrick Lysaght, Stephen Marshall, Gordon McGregor, David Robinson: Fast Adaptive Image Processing in FPGAs Using Stack Filters. FPL 1998: 406-410
1EENeal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall: Application of Non-Linear Image Processing: Digital Video Archive Restoration. ICIP (1) 1997: 731-734

Coauthor Index

1Robert Biddle [10]
2Robin J. Bruce [13]
3Richard Chamberlain [13]
4Malachy Devlin [13]
5Edward R. Dougherty [6] [7]
6Alison J. Gray [7]
7Alan C. Green [6]
8David Greenhalgh [5] [6]
9M. S. Hamid [8] [9]
10Neal R. Harvey [1] [3] [4] [8] [9]
11Patrick Lysaght [2]
12Tarek A. Mahmoud [14]
13Stuart Marshall [10]
14Gordon McGregor [2]
15J. McKenzie [7]
16Geoff Mitchell [11]
17James Noble [10] [12]
18David Robinson [2]
19Eusebio Scornavacca Jr. [15]
20Neil Woolfries [2]
21Tim Wright [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)