
Adele H. Marshall

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10EEAdele H. Marshall, Barry Shaw: Modeling the Survival of Hip Fracture Patients Using a Conditional Phase-Type Distribution. CBMS 2008: 518-523
9EEAdele H. Marshall, Louise Burns: A Bayesian Network Hybrid Model for Representing Accident and Emergency Waiting Times. CBMS 2007: 91-96
8EEAdele H. Marshall, Karen J. Cairns, Frank Kee, Michael J. Moore, Andrew J. Hamilton, A. A. Jennifer Adgey: A Monte Carlo Simulation Model to Assess Volunteer Response Times in a Public Access Defibrillation Scheme in Northern Ireland. CBMS 2006: 783-788
7EEAdele H. Marshall, Ronan Donaghy: Intelligent Patient Management using Dynamic Models of Clinical Variables. CBMS 2006: 805-812
6EEBarry Shaw, Adele H. Marshall: Modeling the Health Care Costs of Geriatric Inpatients. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 10(3): 526-532 (2006)
5EEBarry Shaw, Adele H. Marshall: A Bayesian Approach to Modelling Inpatient Expenditure. CBMS 2005: 491-496
4EEKaren J. Cairns, Adele H. Marshall, Frank Kee: A Public Access Defibrillation Trial in Urban and Rural Communities in Northern Ireland: Developing the Roster Model. CBMS 2005: 497-502
3EEAdele H. Marshall, Roy Sterritt: Clustering Gene Expression Data using Continuous Markov Models. CSB Workshops 2005: 314-321
2EEAdele H. Marshall, David A. Bell, Roy Sterritt: Handling Uncertainty in a Medical Study of Dietary Intake During Pregnancy. Soft-Ware 2002: 206-216
1EEAdele H. Marshall, Sally I. McClean, Mary Shapcott, Peter H. Millard: Learning Dynamic Bayesian Belief Networks Using Conditional Phase-Type Distributions. PKDD 2000: 516-523

Coauthor Index

1A. A. Jennifer Adgey [8]
2David A. Bell [2]
3Louise Burns [9]
4Karen J. Cairns [4] [8]
5Ronan Donaghy [7]
6Andrew J. Hamilton [8]
7Frank Kee [4] [8]
8Sally I. McClean [1]
9Peter H. Millard [1]
10Michael J. Moore [8]
11Mary Shapcott (C. Mary Shapcott) [1]
12Barry Shaw [5] [6] [10]
13Roy Sterritt [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)