
Daniele Marini

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13EEEdoardo Provenzi, M. Fierro, Alessandro Rizzi, L. De Carli, D. Gadia, Daniele Marini: Random Spray Retinex: A New Retinex Implementation to Investigate the Local Properties of the Model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(1): 162-171 (2007)
12EEAlessandro Artusi, Carlo Gatta, Daniele Marini, Werner Purgathofer, Alessandro Rizzi: Speed-up Technique for a Local Automatic Colour Equalization Model. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(1): 5-14 (2006)
11EESamuele Vacchi, Giovanni Civati, Daniele Marini, Alessandro Rizzi: Neo Euclide: A Low-Cost System for Performance Animation and Puppetry. Gesture Workshop 2003: 361-368
10EEAlessandro Rizzi, Carlo Gatta, Daniele Marini: A new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(11): 1663-1677 (2003)
9EEMaria Alberta Alberti, Paolo Evi, Daniele Marini: Modeling Constrained Geometric Objects with OBJSA Nets. Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets 2001: 319-227
8 Maurizio Rossi, Daniele Marini, Alessandro Rizzi: Chromatic Adaptation Post-Filtering in Image Synthesis Reproduction of Ancient Building for Restoration Support. ICHIM (1) 2001: 155-168
7EEDaniele Marini, Alessandro Rizzi: A computational approach to color adaptation effects. Image Vision Comput. 18(13): 1005-1014 (2000)
6 Dietmar Saupe, Matthias Ruhl, Raouf Hamzaoui, Luigi Grandi, Daniele Marini: Optimal Hierarchical Partitions for Fractal Image Compression. ICIP (1) 1998: 737-741
5 Daniele Marini, Alessandro Rizzi: A Computational Approach to Color Illusions. ICIAP (1) 1997: 62-69
4EEMaria Alberta Alberti, Eric Bastioli, Daniele Marini: Towards object-oriented modelling of euclidean geometry. The Visual Computer 11(7): 378-389 (1995)
3 P. Brivio, Daniele Marini: A Fractal Method for Digital Elevation Model Construction and its Application to a Mountain Region. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(5): 297-309 (1993)
2 Daniele Marini, Pierangelo Miglioli, Mario Ornaghi: First Order Logic as a Tool to Solve and Classify Problems. GI Jahrestagung 1975: 669-679
1 Daniele Marini, Pierangelo Miglioli: Characterization of Programs and Their Synthesis from a Formalized Theory. MFCS 1973: 259-266

Coauthor Index

1Maria Alberta Alberti [4] [9]
2Alessandro Artusi [12]
3Eric Bastioli [4]
4P. Brivio [3]
5L. De Carli [13]
6Giovanni Civati [11]
7Paolo Evi [9]
8M. Fierro [13]
9D. Gadia [13]
10Carlo Gatta [10] [12]
11Luigi Grandi [6]
12Raouf Hamzaoui [6]
13Pierangelo Miglioli [1] [2]
14Mario Ornaghi [2]
15Edoardo Provenzi [13]
16Werner Purgathofer [12]
17Alessandro Rizzi [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
18Maurizio Rossi [8]
19Matthias Ruhl [6]
20Dietmar Saupe [6]
21Samuele Vacchi [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)