
Rui Mao

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10EEWeijia Xu, Daniel P. Miranker, Rui Mao, Smriti R. Ramakrishnan: Anytime k-nearest neighbor search for database applications. ICDE Workshops 2008: 426-435
9 Weijia Xu, Rui Mao, Shu Wang, Daniel P. Miranker: On Integrating Peptide Sequence Analysis and Relational Distance-Based Indexing. BIBE 2006: 27-34
8EESmriti R. Ramakrishnan, Rui Mao, Aleksey A. Nakorchevskiy, John T. Prince, Willard S. Willard, Weijia Xu, Edward M. Marcotte, Daniel P. Miranker: A fast coarse filtering method for peptide identification by mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics 22(12): 1524-1531 (2006)
7EERui Mao, Wenguo Liu, Daniel P. Miranker, Qasim Iqbal: Case Study: Distance-Based Image Retrieval in the MoBIoS DBMS. CIT 2005: 49-57
6EERui Mao, Weijia Xu, Smriti R. Ramakrishnan, Glen Nuckolls, Daniel P. Miranker: On Optimizing Distance-Based Similarity Search for Biological Databases. CSB 2005: 351-361
5 Jianhua Yin, Jiongsheng Li, Rui Mao: An Extremal Problem on the Potentially Kr+1-e Graphic Sequences. Ars Comb. 74: (2005)
4EERui Mao, Weijia Xu, Neha Singh, Daniel P. Miranker: An Assessment of a Metric Space Database Index to Support Sequence Homology. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 14(5): 867-885 (2005)
3EEDaniel P. Miranker, Willard J. Briggs, Rui Mao, Shulin Ni, Weijia Xu: Biosequence Use Cases in MoBIoS SQL. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 27(3): 3-11 (2004)
2EERui Mao, Weijia Xu, Neha Singh, Daniel P. Miranker: An Assessment of a Metric Space Database Index to Support Sequence Homology. BIBE 2003: 375-
1EEDaniel P. Miranker, Weijia Xu, Rui Mao: MoBIoS: A Metric-Space DBMS to Support Biological Discovery. SSDBM 2003: 241-244

Coauthor Index

1Willard J. Briggs [3]
2Qasim Iqbal [7]
3Jiongsheng Li [5]
4Wenguo Liu [7]
5Edward M. Marcotte [8]
6Daniel P. Miranker (Dan Miranker) [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
7Aleksey A. Nakorchevskiy [8]
8Shulin Ni [3]
9Glen Nuckolls [6]
10John T. Prince [8]
11Smriti R. Ramakrishnan [6] [8] [10]
12Neha Singh [2] [4]
13Shu Wang [9]
14Willard S. Willard [8]
15Weijia Xu [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10]
16Jianhua Yin [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)