
Purnendu Mandal

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11EEAshish Agarwal, Ravi Shankar, Purnendu Mandal: Effectiveness of information systems in supply chain performance: a system dynamics study. IJISCM 1(3): 241-261 (2006)
10 Purnendu Mandal, Dale H. Shao, Chong W. Kim: Behavioral Factors in Strategic Alliances. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (I) 2005: 243-247
9EEPurnendu Mandal, Angappa Gunasekaran: Issues in implementing ERP: A case study. European Journal of Operational Research 146(2): 274-283 (2003)
8EEPurnendu Mandal, Angappa Gunasekaran: An analysis of quality initiatives in the Australian and Indian manufacturing industries. IJMTM 4(3/4): 210-220 (2002)
7EEPurnendu Mandal, Peter E. D. Love, Angappa Gunasekaran: A conceptual approach to modelling strategic issues to improve the performance and competitiveness of manufacturing. IJMTM 4(3/4): 303-321 (2002)
6EEPurnendu Mandal, Peter E. D. Love, Angappa Gunasekaran: Towards a system dynamics modelling framework for quality in manufacturing. IJMTM 4(3/4): 333-343 (2002)
5 Graeme Altmann, John Lamp, Peter E. D. Love, Purnendu Mandal, Ross Smith, Matthew J. Warren: ICSTM2000, International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management, Geelong, Australia, November 8-10, 2000 CEUR-WS.org 2000
4EEPeter E. D. Love, Purnendu Mandal, Jim Smith, Zahir Irani, G. Treloar, O. Faniran: DECOREM: A Design and Construction Rework Minimisation Model. ICSTM 2000
3EEPerry Beor, Purnendu Mandal: Enterprise Resource Planning: Experiences in Implementing SAP in Project Management Environment. ICSTM 2000
2EEPurnendu Mandal, B. Baliga: Investigating the Implementation of a MIS Strategy in an Australian SME. ICSTM 2000
1EEPalitha Kuruppuarachchi, Purnendu Mandal, Ross Smith: Technology Introduction in a Systemic Context for IT Project Success. ICSTM 2000

Coauthor Index

1Ashish Agarwal [11]
2Graeme Altmann [5]
3B. Baliga [2]
4Perry Beor [3]
5O. Faniran [4]
6Angappa Gunasekaran [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Zahir Irani [4]
8Chong W. Kim [10]
9Palitha Kuruppuarachchi [1]
10John Lamp [5]
11Peter E. D. Love [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Ravi Shankar [11]
13Dale H. Shao [10]
14Jim Smith [4]
15Ross Smith [1] [5]
16G. Treloar [4]
17Matthew J. Warren [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)