
Takaki Makino

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5EETakaki Makino, Toshihisa Takagi: On-line discovery of temporal-difference networks. ICML 2008: 632-639
4EETakaki Makino, Kazuyuki Aihara: Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm to handle beliefs of other agents' policies and embedded beliefs. AAMAS 2006: 789-791
3 Jun'ichi Kazama, Takaki Makino, Yoshihiro Ohta, Jun-ichi Tsujii: Tuning support vector machines for biomedical named entity recognition. ACL Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain 2002: 1-8
2EETakashi Ninomiya, Takaki Makino, Jun-ichi Tsujii: An Indexing Scheme for Typed Feature Structures. COLING 2002
1 Takaki Makino, Minoru Yoshida, Kentaro Torisawa, Jun-ichi Tsujii: LiLFes - Towards a Practical HPSG Parser. COLING-ACL 1998: 807-811

Coauthor Index

1Kazuyuki Aihara [4]
2Jun'ichi Kazama [3]
3Takashi Ninomiya [2]
4Yoshihiro Ohta [3]
5Toshihisa Takagi [5]
6Kentaro Torisawa [1]
7Jun-ichi Tsujii [1] [2] [3]
8Minoru Yoshida [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)