
Aude Maignan

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5EEPaul Caspi, Adrian Curic, Aude Maignan, Christos Sofronis, Stavros Tripakis: Translating Discrete-Time Simulink to Lustre. EMSOFT 2003: 84-99
4EEPaul Caspi, Adrian Curic, Aude Maignan, Christos Sofronis, Stavros Tripakis, Peter Niebert: From simulink to SCADE/lustre to TTA: a layered approach for distributed embedded applications. LCTES 2003: 153-162
3EEJean Della Dora, Aude Maignan, Mihaela Mirica-Ruse, Sergio Yovine: Hybrid computation. ISSAC 2001: 101-108
2EEAude Maignan: On Symbolic-Numeric Solving of Sine-Polynomial Equations. J. Complexity 16(1): 274-285 (2000)
1EEAude Maignan: Solving One and Two-Dimensional Exponential Polynomial Systems. ISSAC 1998: 215-221

Coauthor Index

1Paul Caspi [4] [5]
2Adrian Curic [4] [5]
3Jean Della Dora [3]
4Mihaela Mirica-Ruse [3]
5Peter Niebert [4]
6Christos Sofronis [4] [5]
7Stavros Tripakis [4] [5]
8Sergio Yovine [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)