
Jean Della Dora

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8EEJean Della Dora, Aude Maignan, Mihaela Mirica-Ruse, Sergio Yovine: Hybrid computation. ISSAC 2001: 101-108
7 Guoting Chen, Jean Della Dora: An Algorithm for Computing a New Normal Form for Dynamical Systems. J. Symb. Comput. 29(3): 393-418 (2000)
6EEGuoting Chen, Jean Della Dora: Rational Normal Form for Dynamical Systems by Carleman Linearization. ISSAC 1999: 165-172
5 Jean Della Dora, F. Richard-Jung: About the Newton Algorithm for Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. ISSAC 1997: 298-304
4EEGuoting Chen, Jean Della Dora, Laurent Stolovitch: Nilpotent Normal Form via Carleman Linearization (for systems of ordinary differential equations). ISSAC 1991: 281-288
3 Jean Della Dora, Claire Dicrescenzo, Dominique Duval: About a New Method for Computing in Algebraic Number Fields. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 289-290
2 Jean Della Dora, Evelyne Tournier: Homogeneous Linear Difference Equation (Frobenius - Boole Method). EUROSAM 1984: 2-12
1 Jean Della Dora, Claire Dicrescenzo, Evelyne Tournier: An Algorithm to Obtain Formal Solutions of a Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation at an Irregular Singular Point. EUROCAM 1982: 273-280

Coauthor Index

1Guoting Chen [4] [6] [7]
2Claire Dicrescenzo [1] [3]
3Dominique Duval [3]
4Aude Maignan [8]
5Mihaela Mirica-Ruse [8]
6F. Richard-Jung [5]
7Laurent Stolovitch [4]
8Evelyne Tournier [1] [2]
9Sergio Yovine [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)