
Laurent Magnin

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6EEJoris Deguet, Laurent Magnin, Yves Demazeau: Emergence and Software development Based on a Survey of Emergence Definitions. Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents 2007: 13-21
5EEViet Thang Pham, Laurent Magnin, Houari A. Sahraoui: Adaptation dynamique des systèmes multi-agents basée sur le concept de méta-CATN. RIVF 2004: 159-164
4 Hicham Snoussi, Laurent Magnin, Jian-Yun Nie: Extraction de données web par couplage entre structures HTML avec une ontologie commune. EGC 2003: 473-479
3EELaurent Magnin, Viet Thang Pham, Arnaud Dury, Nicolas Besson, Arnaud Thiefaine: Our guest agents are welcome to your agent platforms. SAC 2002: 107-114
2 Laurent Magnin: Rectangles and Circles: Towards Realistic Simulation of Robots Playing Soccer. CRW 1998: 123-134
1 Laurent Magnin: SIEME: An Interactions Based Simulation Model. ESM 1998: 410-414

Coauthor Index

1Nicolas Besson [3]
2Joris Deguet [6]
3Yves Demazeau [6]
4Arnaud Dury [3]
5Jian-Yun Nie [4]
6Viet Thang Pham [3] [5]
7Houari A. Sahraoui [5]
8Hicham Snoussi [4]
9Arnaud Thiefaine [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)