
Kenneth J. Mackin

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11EEKenneth J. Mackin, Takashi Yamaguchi, Eiji Nunohiro, Jong Geol Park, Keitaro Hara, Kotaro Matsushita, Masanori Ohshiro, Kazuko Yamasaki: Ensemble of artificial neural network based land cover classifiers using satellite data. SMC 2007: 1653-1657
10EEEiji Nunohiro, Kei Katayama, Kenneth J. Mackin, Jong Geol Park: Forest and Field Fire Search System Using MODIS Data. JACIII 11(8): 1043-1048 (2007)
9EEKenneth J. Mackin, Eiji Nunohiro, Masanori Ohshiro, Kazuko Yamasaki: Land Cover Classification from MODIS Satellite Data Using Probabilistically Optimal Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks. KES (3) 2006: 820-826
8EEEiji Nunohiro, Kenneth J. Mackin, Masanori Ohshiro, Kazuko Yamasaki: Self-adjusting Programming Training Support System Using Genetic Algorithm. KES (3) 2005: 520-525
7EEDaisuke Yamaguchi, Kenneth J. Mackin, Eiichiro Tazaki: Waste Incinerator Emission Prediction Using Probabilistically Optimal Ensemble of Multi-agents. KES (3) 2005: 526-532
6EEMasanori Ohshiro, Kenneth J. Mackin, Eiji Nunohiro, Kazuko Yamasaki: Self-restructuring Peer-to-Peer Network for e-Learning. KES (4) 2005: 602-605
5EEEiji Nunohiro, Kenneth J. Mackin: Applying Multi-Agent Algorithm to a Class Scheduling System. JACIII 9(3): 314-320 (2005)
4EEEiji Nunohiro, Kenneth J. Mackin: Applying Self-Organizing Agents to University Class Scheduling. KES 2003: 1419-1425
3EEKenneth J. Mackin, Kazuko Yamasaki: Emergence in Agents with Different Internal Time Frames. KES 2003: 1426-1427
2EEKenneth J. Mackin, Eiichiro Tazaki: Unsupervised training of multiobjective agent communication using genetic programming. KES 2000: 738-741
1EENoboru Matsumoto, Kenneth J. Mackin, Eiichiro Tazaki: Emergence of Learning Rule in Neural Networks Using Genetic Programming Combined with Decision Trees. JACIII 3(4): 223-233 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Keitaro Hara [11]
2Kei Katayama [10]
3Noboru Matsumoto [1]
4Kotaro Matsushita [11]
5Eiji Nunohiro [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Masanori Ohshiro [6] [8] [9] [11]
7Jong Geol Park [10] [11]
8Eiichiro Tazaki [1] [2] [7]
9Daisuke Yamaguchi [7]
10Takashi Yamaguchi [11]
11Kazuko Yamasaki [3] [6] [8] [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)