
Christian K. Machens

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5EEChristian K. Machens, Carlos D. Brody: Design of Continuous Attractor Networks with Monotonic Tuning Using a Symmetry Principle. Neural Computation 20(2): 452-485 (2008)
4EEFredrik Edin, Christian K. Machens, Hartmut Schütze, Andreas V. M. Herz: Searching for Optimal Sensory Signals: Iterative Stimulus Reconstruction in Closed-Loop Experiments. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 17(1): 47-56 (2004)
3EEChristian K. Machens, Michael Wehr, Anthony M. Zador: Spectro-Temporal Receptive Fields of Subthreshold Responses in Auditory Cortex. NIPS 2002: 133-140
2EESusanne Schreiber, Christian K. Machens, Andreas V. M. Herz, Simon B. Laughlin: Energy-Efficient Coding with Discrete Stochastic Events. Neural Computation 14(6): 1323-1346 (2002)
1EEChristian K. Machens, P. Prinz, M. B. Stemmler, B. Ronacher, Andreas V. M. Herz: Discrimination of behaviorally relevant signals by auditory receptor neurons. Neurocomputing 38-40: 263-268 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Carlos D. Brody [5]
2Fredrik Edin [4]
3Andreas V. M. Herz [1] [2] [4]
4Simon B. Laughlin [2]
5P. Prinz [1]
6B. Ronacher [1]
7Susanne Schreiber [2]
8Hartmut Schütze [4]
9M. B. Stemmler [1]
10Michael Wehr [3]
11Anthony M. Zador [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)