
Thomas Müller-Wipperfürth

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5EEThomas Müller-Wipperfürth, Richard Hagelauer: Graphical Entry of FSMDs Revisited: Putting Graphical Models on a Solid Base. DATE 1998: 931-932
4 Thomas Müller-Wipperfürth: Extensions and Semantics of Controller State Diagrams for Practical Applications. EUROCAST 1997: 50-57
3 Thomas Müller-Wipperfürth, Josef Scharinger, Franz Pichler: FSM Shift Register Realization for Improved Testability. EUROCAST 1993: 254-267
2EEMartin Geiger, Thomas Müller-Wipperfürth: FSM Decomposition Revisited: Algebraic Structure Theory Applied to MCNC Benchmark FSMs. DAC 1991: 182-185
1 Thomas Müller-Wipperfürth: Linking CAST.FSM to Practical Applications. EUROCAST 1991: 492-505

Coauthor Index

1Martin Geiger [2]
2Richard Hagelauer [5]
3Franz Pichler [3]
4Josef Scharinger [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)