
Gabriel Luque

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18EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Daniel Arias: Impact of Frequency and Severity on Non-Stationary Optimization Problems. EvoWorkshops 2009: 755-761
17EEBernabé Dorronsoro, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Pascal Bouvry: A self-adaptive cellular memetic algorithm for the DNA fragment assembly problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 2651-2658
16EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem. Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization 2008: 101-112
15EEAntonio J. Nebro, Gabriel Luque, Francisco Luna, Enrique Alba: DNA fragment assembly using a grid-based genetic algorithm. Computers & OR 35(9): 2776-2790 (2008)
14EEGabriela Minetti, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: Seeding strategies and recombination operators for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 108(3): 94-100 (2008)
13EEEnrique Alba, Alejandro Cervantes, J. A. Gómez, Pedro Isasi, M. D. Jaraíz, Coromoto León, Gabriel Luque, Francisco Luna, Gara Miranda, Antonio J. Nebro, R. Pérez, Carlos Segura: Metaheuristic Approaches for Optimal Broadcasting Design in Metropolitan MANETs. EUROCAST 2007: 755-763
12EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: A New Local Search Algorithm for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem. EvoCOP 2007: 1-12
11EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Francisco Luna: Workforce planning with parallel algorithms. IPDPS 2006
10EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: Performance of Distributed GAs on DNA Fragment Assembly. Parallel Evolutionary Computations 2006: 97-115
9EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Lourdes Araujo: Natural language tagging with genetic algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 100(5): 173-182 (2006)
8EEEnrique Alba, Francisco Almeida, Maria J. Blesa, Carlos Cotta, M. Díaz, Isabel Dorta, Joaquim Gabarró, Coromoto León, Gabriel Luque, Jordi Petit: Efficient parallel LAN/WAN algorithms for optimization. The mallba project. Parallel Computing 32(5-6): 415-440 (2006)
7EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: Theoretical models of selection pressure for dEAs: topology influence. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 214-221
6EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Sami Khuri: Assembling DNA fragments with parallel algorithms. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 57-64
5EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: Growth Curves and Takeover Time in Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms. GECCO (1) 2004: 864-876
4EELourdes Araujo, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba: Metaheuristics for Natural Language Tagging. GECCO (1) 2004: 889-900
3EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, José M. Troya: Parallel LAN/WAN heuristics for optimization. Parallel Computing 30(5-6): 611-628 (2004)
2EECarlos A. Coello Coello, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Arturo Hernández Aguirre: Comparing Different Serial and Parallel Heuristics to Design Combinational Logic Circuits. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 3-12
1EEEnrique Alba, Gabriel Luque: Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization. IPDPS 2003: 147

Coauthor Index

1Arturo Hernández Aguirre [2]
2Enrique Alba (Enrique Alba Torres) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
3Francisco Almeida [8]
4Lourdes Araujo [4] [9]
5Daniel Arias [18]
6Maria J. Blesa (María J. Blesa Aguilera) [8]
7Pascal Bouvry [17]
8Alejandro Cervantes [13]
9Carlos A. Coello Coello [2]
10Carlos Cotta [8]
11Bernabé Dorronsoro Díaz (Bernabé Dorronsoro) [17]
12M. Díaz [8]
13Isabel Dorta [8]
14Joaquim Gabarró [8]
15J. A. Gómez [13]
16M. D. Jaraíz [13]
17Sami Khuri [6]
18Coromoto León [8] [13]
19Francisco Luna [11] [13] [15]
20Gabriela Minetti [14]
21Gara Miranda [13]
22Antonio J. Nebro [13] [15]
23R. Pérez [13]
24Jordi Petit [8]
25Carlos Segura [13]
26José M. Troya (José María Troya Linero) [3]
27Pedro Isasi Viñuela (Pedro Isasi) [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)