
Li Luo

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6EELi Luo, Peng-Fei Lu, Zeng-Fu Wang: A real-time accompaniment system based on sung voice recognition. ICPR 2008: 1-4
5EEJun Xia, Li Luo, Xuejun Yang: A 0-1 Integer Linear Programming Based Approach for Global Locality Optimizations. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2006: 281-294
4 Li Luo, Yu Wu, Guoyin Wang, Jie Bai: A Video Pre-Classification Method with Multi-Layer Self-Organizing Maps and Principal Component Analysis. ITSSA 2(2): 177-184 (2006)
3 Dianxun Shuai, Li Luo, Xing Wang, Rongrong Liu, Wenlan Wang: A New Generalized Cellular Automata: Architecture and VLSI Circuital Implementation. CAINE 2005: 97-102
2 Dianxun Shuai, Wenlan Wang, Li Luo, Rongrong Liu: Data Self-Organizing Clustering Based on Generalized Cellular Automata. ISCA PDCS 2005: 247-252
1 Xuejun Xu, Li Luo, Xuelan Hua, Jianhui Huang: Manufacturing Enterprises Value Chain Model Analysis within the Context of the Network Economy. ICEB 2004: 122-126

Coauthor Index

1Jie Bai [4]
2Xuelan Hua [1]
3Jianhui Huang [1]
4Rongrong Liu [2] [3]
5Peng-Fei Lu [6]
6Dianxun Shuai [2] [3]
7Guoyin Wang [4]
8Wenlan Wang [2] [3]
9Xing Wang [3]
10Zeng-Fu Wang [6]
11Yu Wu [4]
12Jun Xia [5]
13Xuejun Xu [1]
14Xuejun Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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