
T. Lund

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6EET. Lund, Antonio B. Torralba, Ramón González Carvajal: The Architecture of an FPGA-Style Programmable Fuzzy Logic Controller Chip. ACAC 2000: 51-56
5EEMats Gyllenberg, Timo Koski, T. Lund, Olli Nevalainen: On self-adaptation in multioperator local search. KES 2000: 181-184
4EEMats Gyllenberg, Timo Koski, T. Lund: Clustering by Adaptive Local Search with Multiple Search Operators. Pattern Anal. Appl. 3(4): 348-357 (2000)
3EET. Lund, Antonio B. Torralba, Ramón González Carvajal, Jaime Ramírez-Angulo: A comparison of architectures for a programmable fuzzy logic chip. ISCAS (5) 1999: 623-626
2EET. Lund, A. D. Cheetham, J. P. Rayner, S. Zhang: Developing a fuzzy controller for a helicon plasma source. KES 1999: 316-319
1EET. Lund, Antonio B. Torralba: The design of a programmable fuzzy logic controller chip. KES 1999: 320-323

Coauthor Index

1Ramón González Carvajal [3] [6]
2A. D. Cheetham [2]
3Mats Gyllenberg [4] [5]
4Timo Koski [4] [5]
5Olli Nevalainen [5]
6Jaime Ramírez-Angulo [3]
7J. P. Rayner [2]
8Antonio B. Torralba [1] [3] [6]
9S. Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)