
Eyal Lubetzky

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12EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky, Uri Stav, Amit Weinstein, Avinatan Hassidim: Broadcasting with Side Information. FOCS 2008: 823-832
11EEEyal Lubetzky, Uri Stav: Non-linear index coding outperforming the linear optimum CoRR abs/0806.1919: (2008)
10EENoga Alon, Avinatan Hassidim, Eyal Lubetzky, Uri Stav, Amit Weinstein: Broadcasting with side information CoRR abs/0806.3246: (2008)
9EEItai Benjamini, Simi Haber, Michael Krivelevich, Eyal Lubetzky: The isoperimetric constant of the random graph process. Random Struct. Algorithms 32(1): 101-114 (2008)
8EEEyal Lubetzky, Uri Stav: Non-Linear Index Coding Outperforming the Linear Optimum. FOCS 2007: 161-168
7EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky: Codes And Xor Graph Products. Combinatorica 27(1): 13-33 (2007)
6EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky: Independent sets in tensor graph powers. Journal of Graph Theory 54(1): 73-87 (2007)
5EETomer Amiaz, Eyal Lubetzky, Nahum Kiryati: Coarse to over-fine optical flow estimation. Pattern Recognition 40(9): 2496-2503 (2007)
4EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky: Graph Powers, Delsarte, Hoffman, Ramsey, and Shannon. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21(2): 329-348 (2007)
3EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky: The Shannon capacity of a graph and the independence numbers of its powers CoRR abs/cs/0608021: (2006)
2EENoga Alon, Eyal Lubetzky: The Shannon capacity of a graph and the independence numbers of its powers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(5): 2172-2176 (2006)
1EEYossi Azar, Meir Feder, Eyal Lubetzky, Doron Rajwan, Nadav Shulman: The Multicast Bandwidth Advantage in Serving a Web Site. Networked Group Communication 2001: 88-99

Coauthor Index

1Noga Alon [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [10] [12]
2Tomer Amiaz [5]
3Yossi Azar [1]
4Itai Benjamini [9]
5Meir Feder [1]
6Simi Haber [9]
7Avinatan Hassidim [10] [12]
8Nahum Kiryati [5]
9Michael Krivelevich [9]
10Doron Rajwan [1]
11Nadav Shulman [1]
12Uri Stav [8] [10] [11] [12]
13Amit Weinstein [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)