
Tomer Amiaz

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5EEB. Ugur Töreyin, Yigithan Dedeoglu, A. Enis Çetin, Sándor Fazekas, Dmitry Chetverikov, Tomer Amiaz, Nahum Kiryati: Dynamic texture detection, segmentation and analysis. CIVR 2007: 131-134
4EETomer Amiaz, Sándor Fazekas, Dmitry Chetverikov, Nahum Kiryati: Detecting Regions of Dynamic Texture. SSVM 2007: 848-859
3EETomer Amiaz, Eyal Lubetzky, Nahum Kiryati: Coarse to over-fine optical flow estimation. Pattern Recognition 40(9): 2496-2503 (2007)
2EETomer Amiaz, Nahum Kiryati: Piecewise-Smooth Dense Optical Flow via Level Sets. International Journal of Computer Vision 68(2): 111-124 (2006)
1EETomer Amiaz, Nahum Kiryati: Dense discontinuous optical flow via contour-based segmentation. ICIP (3) 2005: 1264-1267

Coauthor Index

1A. Enis Çetin [5]
2Dmitry Chetverikov [4] [5]
3Yigithan Dedeoglu [5]
4Sándor Fazekas [4] [5]
5Nahum Kiryati [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Eyal Lubetzky [3]
7B. Ugur Töreyin [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)