
Raymond H. Y. Louie

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8EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings: Sum Capacity of Opportunistic Scheduling for Multiuser MIMO Systems with Linear Receivers. GLOBECOM 2008: 3724-3728
7EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic: Performance Analysis of Beamforming in Two Hop Amplify and Forward Relay Networks. ICC 2008: 4311-4315
6EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings: On the Use of Multiple Antennas to Reduce MAC Layer Coordination in Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2008: 4554-4558
5EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings: Optimum Combining in Rician Fading: Performance Analysis in Asymptotic SNR Regimes. ICC 2008: 850-854
4EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings: Maximum Sum-Rate of MIMO Multiuser Scheduling with Linear Receivers CoRR abs/0812.3232: (2008)
3EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings: Impact of Correlation on the Capacity of Multiple Access and Broadcast Channels with MIMO-MRC. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(6): 2397-2407 (2008)
2EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Iain B. Collings, Matthew R. McKay: Analysis of Dense Ad Hoc Networks with Spatial Diversity. GLOBECOM 2007: 1253-1257
1EERaymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay, Iain B. Collings, Branka Vucetic: Capacity Approximations for Multiuser MIMO-MRC with Antenna Correlation. ICC 2007: 5195-5200

Coauthor Index

1Iain B. Collings [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
2Yonghui Li [7]
3Matthew R. McKay [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Branka Vucetic [1] [7]

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