
Ismael Lopez-Juarez

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8EEJorge Corona Castuera, Ismael Lopez-Juarez: Behaviour-based approach for skill acquisition during assembly operations, starting from scratch. Robotica 24(6): 657-671 (2006)
7EEJorge Corona Castuera, Reyes Rios-Cabrera, Ismael Lopez-Juarez, Mario Peña-Cabrera: An Approach for Intelligent Fixtureless Assembly: Issues and Experiments. MICAI 2005: 1052-1061
6EEIsmael Lopez-Juarez, Keny Ordaz-Hernández, Mario Peña-Cabrera, Jorge Corona Castuera, Reyes Rios-Cabrera: On the Design of a Multimodal Cognitive Architecture for Perceptual Learning in Industrial Robots. MICAI 2005: 1062-1072
5EEMario Peña-Cabrera, Ismael Lopez-Juarez, Reyes Rios-Cabrera, Jorge Corona Castuera, Roman Osorio: Mapping Visual Behavior to Robotic Assembly Tasks. MICAI 2005: 347-358
4EEIsmael Lopez-Juarez, Jorge Corona Castuera, Mario Peña-Cabrera, Keny Ordaz-Hernández: On the design of intelligent robotic agents for assembly. Inf. Sci. 171(4): 377-402 (2005)
3EEMario Peña-Cabrera, Ismael Lopez-Juarez, Reyes Rios-Cabrera: A Learning Approach for On Line Object Recognition Tasks. ENC 2004: 242-248
2EEJorge Corona Castuera, Ismael Lopez-Juarez: Intelligent Task Level Planning for Robotic Assembly: Issues and Experiments. MICAI 2004: 872-881
1EEIsmael Lopez-Juarez, M. Howarth: Knowledge acquisition and learning in unstructured robotic assembly environments. Inf. Sci. 145(1-2): 89-111 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Corona Castuera [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2M. Howarth [1]
3Keny Ordaz-Hernández [4] [6]
4Roman Osorio [5]
5Mario Peña-Cabrera [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Reyes Rios-Cabrera [3] [5] [6] [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)