
Bernadette Longo

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5EEBernadette Longo: Mathematics, Computer Development, and Science Policy Debates after World War II. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 30(3): 64-72 (2008)
4EEBernadette Longo: ACM established to develop communication about computing. Commun. ACM 50(5): 27-29 (2007)
3EEBernadette Longo: Edmund Berkeley, Computers, and Modern Methods of Thinking. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 26(4): 4-18 (2004)
2EEBernadette Longo: What kind of knowledge gets deposited in textbooks? SIGDOC 2000: 295-300
1 Bernadette Longo: Blurring the Boundaries: Bringing Students, Faculty and Business Partners into Mutual Learning Spaces. IPCC (2) 1998: 463-471

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