
Boris Lohmann

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7EEH. R. Karimi, Parviz Jabedar-Maralani, B. Moshiri, Boris Lohmann: Numerically efficient approximations to the optimal control of linear singularly perturbed systems based on Haar wavelets. Int. J. Comput. Math. 82(4): 495-507 (2005)
6EEH. R. Karimi, Boris Lohmann, Parviz Jabedar-Maralani, B. Moshiri: A computational method for solving optimal control and parameter estimation of linear systems using Haar wavelets. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(9): 1121-1132 (2004)
5 B. Labibi, Boris Lohmann, Ali Khaki Sedigh, Parviz Jabedar-Maralani: Decentralized stabilization of large-scale systems via state-feedback and using descriptor systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 33(6): 771-776 (2003)
4 Thorsten Lietmann, Boris Lohmann: 3D-Visual Servoing zur autonomen Navigation einer nichtholonomen mobilen Plattform. AMS 2001: 22-28
3 Dali Hisseine, Boris Lohmann: Robust Control for a flexible-link Manipualtor Using Sliding Mode Techniques and Nonlinear Hinfinity Control design Methods. ICRA 2001: 3865-3870
2 Thorsten Lietmann, Boris Lohmann: Docking- Manöver einer nichtholonomen mobilen. AMS 2000: 47-54
1 Maik Buttelmann, Boris Lohmann, Martin Kieren: Trajektorientierung und Bahnregelung für nichtholonome, autonome Fahrzeuge. AMS 1999: 303-312

Coauthor Index

1Maik Buttelmann [1]
2Dali Hisseine [3]
3Parviz Jabedar-Maralani [5] [6] [7]
4H. R. Karimi [6] [7]
5Martin Kieren [1]
6B. Labibi [5]
7Thorsten Lietmann [2] [4]
8B. Moshiri [6] [7]
9Ali Khaki Sedigh [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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