
Yunsheng Liu

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22EEYunsheng Liu, Tian Bai, Xin Liu, XiaoBing Pei: Scheduling Sensor Transactions to Maintain Data Temporal Validity. CSSE (4) 2008: 206-209
21EEYunsheng Liu, Xin Liu, Tian Bai: A New Learning Algorithm Based on Trust Region Optimization Theory for Neural Networks. CSSE (4) 2008: 788-793
20EEHuafeng Deng, Yunsheng Liu, Yingyuan Xiao: The Golden Mean Operator Scheduling Strategy in Data Stream Systems. APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 186-191
19EETong Zhang, Yunsheng Liu, Yabing Zha: Semantic Web Based Simulation Service Customization and Composition. CIT 2007: 235-240
18EEXiaofeng Liu, Chuanbo Chen, Yunsheng Liu: Processing Global Nearest Neighbor Query. SNPD (1) 2007: 458-462
17EEHuafeng Deng, Yunsheng Liu, Yingyuan Xiao: A Novel Algorithm for Load Balancing in Distributed Systems. SNPD (3) 2007: 15-19
16EEChuanfu Zhang, Yunsheng Liu, Tong Zhang, Yabing Zha, Wei Zhang: Comments on Order-Based Deadlock Prevention Protocol with Parallel Requests in "A Deadlock and Livelock Free Protocol for Decentralized Internet Resource Co-allocation". APWeb Workshops 2006: 698-701
15EEYingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu, Xiangyang Chen, Xiaofeng Liu: A Time-Cognizant Dynamic Crash Recovery Scheme Suitable for Distributed Real-Time Main Memory Databases. ATC 2006: 591-600
14EEGuohui Li, Hongya Wang, Jixiong Chen, Yingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu: An Updates Dissemination Protocol for Read-Only Transaction Processing in Mobile Real-Time Computing Environments. APWeb 2005: 217-228
13EEGuoQiong Liao, Yunsheng Liu, Yingyuan Xiao: Time-Cognizant Recovery Processing for Embedded Real-Time Databases. DASFAA 2005: 863-874
12EEYingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu, GuoQiong Liao, Xiaofeng Liu: Secure Real-Time Transaction Processing with Timeliness Guarantees in Mobile Distributed Real-Time Database Systems. ISPA 2005: 358-370
11EEGuohui Li, Hongya Wang, Yunsheng Liu, Jixiong Chen: Mobile real-time read-only transaction processing in data broadcast environments. SAC 2005: 1176-1177
10EEChuanfu Zhang, Yunsheng Liu, Tong Zhang, Yabing Zha, Kedi Huang: A Deadlock Prevention Approach based on Atomic Transaction for Resource Co-allocation. SKG 2005: 37
9EEYunsheng Liu, Hao Zhong, Yi Wang: Capturing XML Constraints with Relational Schema. CIT 2004: 309-314
8EEChuanfu Zhang, Yunsheng Liu, Tong Zhang, Yabing Zha: Integration of the Distributed Simulation into the OGSA Model. GCC (1) 2003: 200-204
7EETong Zhang, Chuanfu Zhang, Yunsheng Liu, Yabing Zha: A Design of Distributed Simulation Based on GT3 Core. GCC (2) 2003: 590-596
6EEBiao Qin, Yunsheng Liu: A Hybrid Distributed Optimistic Concurrency Control Method for High-Performance Real-Time Transaction Processing. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(1): 77-83 (2003)
5EEBiao Qin, Yunsheng Liu, JinCai Yang: A Commit Strategy for Distributed Real-Time Transaction. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(5): 626-631 (2003)
4EEDang Depeng, Yunsheng Liu: Concurrency control in real-time broadcast environments. Journal of Systems and Software 68(2): 137-144 (2003)
3EEBiao Qin, Yunsheng Liu: High performance distributed real-time commit protocol. Journal of Systems and Software 68(2): 145-152 (2003)
2EEChangxuan Wan, Yunsheng Liu: Efficient Supporting XML Query and Keyword Search in Relational Database Systems. WAIM 2002: 1-12
1EEYunsheng Liu, GuoQiong Liao, Guohui Li, JiaLi Xia: Relaxed Atomic Commit for Real-Time Transactions in Mobile Computing Environment. WAIM 2002: 397-408

Coauthor Index

1Tian Bai [21] [22]
2Chuanbo Chen [18]
3Jixiong Chen [11] [14]
4Xiangyang Chen [15]
5Huafeng Deng [17] [20]
6Dang Depeng [4]
7Kedi Huang [10]
8Guohui Li [1] [11] [14]
9GuoQiong Liao [1] [12] [13]
10Xiaofeng Liu [12] [15] [18]
11Xin Liu [21] [22]
12XiaoBing Pei [22]
13Biao Qin [3] [5] [6]
14Changxuan Wan [2]
15Hongya Wang [11] [14]
16Yi Wang [9]
17JiaLi Xia [1]
18Yingyuan Xiao [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [20]
19JinCai Yang [5]
20Yabing Zha [7] [8] [10] [16] [19]
21Chuanfu Zhang [7] [8] [10] [16]
22Tong Zhang [7] [8] [10] [16] [19]
23Wei Zhang [16]
24Hao Zhong [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)