
Xiaoqing Frank Liu

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23EEVishal Sadana, Xiaoqing Frank Liu: Analysis of Conflicts among Non-Functional Requirements Using Integrated Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements. COMPSAC (1) 2007: 215-218
22EEJayson P. Vucovich, Robert B. Stone, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Irem Y. Tumer: Risk Assessment in Early Software Design Based on the Software Function-Failure Design Method. COMPSAC (1) 2007: 405-412
21EEYan Sun, Bruce M. McMillin, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, David A. Cape: Verifying Noninterference in a Cyber-Physical System The Advanced Electric Power Grid. QSIC 2007: 363-369
20EEMatt Ryan, Sule Simsek, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Bruce M. McMillin, Ying Cheng: An Instance-Based Structured Object Oriented Method for Co-analysis/Co-design of Concurrent Embedded Systems. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 273-280
19EEYan Sun, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Bruce M. McMillin: A Methodology for Structured Object-Oriented Elicitation and Analysis of Temporal Constraints in Hardware/Software Co-analysis and Co-design of Real-Time Systems. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 281-290
18EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Gautam Kane, Monu Bambroo: An intelligent early warning system for software quality improvement and project management. Journal of Systems and Software 79(11): 1552-1564 (2006)
17EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Yan Sun, Chandra Sekhar Veera, Yuji Kyoya, Kunio Noguchi: Priority assessment of software process requirements from multiple perspectives. Journal of Systems and Software 79(11): 1649-1660 (2006)
16EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Yan Sun, Gautam Kane, Yuji Kyoya, Kunio Noguchi: Business-oriented software process improvement based on CMM using QFD. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(6): 573-589 (2006)
15EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Kunio Noguchi, Anuj Dhungana, V. V. N. S. N. Srirangam A., Praveen Inuganti: A quantitative approach for setting technical targets based on impact analysis in software quality function deployment (SQFD). Software Quality Journal 14(2): 113-134 (2006)
14EEXiaoqing Frank Liu: Collaborative Global Software Development and Education. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 371
13EEMatt Ryan, Sojan Markose, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Ying Cheng: Structured Object-Oriented Co-Analysis/Co-Design of Hardware/Software for the FACTS Power System. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 396-402
12EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Yan Sun, Gautam Kane, Yuji Kyoya, Kunio Noguchi: QFD application in software process management and improvement based on CMM. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
11EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Chandra Sekhar Veera, Yan Sun, Kunio Noguchi, Yuji Kyoya: Priority Assessment of Software Requirements from Multiple Perspectives. COMPSAC 2004: 410-415
10EEAustin Armbruster, Matt Ryan, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Ying Cheng, Bruce M. McMillin: Hardware/software co-design for power system test development. WISER 2004: 83-88
9EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, Gautam Kane, Monu Bambroo: An Intelligent Early Warning System for Software Quality Improvement and Project Management. ICTAI 2003: 32-38
8 Scott Sigman, Xiaoqing Frank Liu: A computational argumentation methodology for capturing and analyzing design rationale arising from multiple perspectives. Information & Software Technology 45(3): 113-122 (2003)
7EEHsin-Chi Chang, Wen F. Lu, Xiaoqing Frank Liu: Machining Process Planning of Prismatic Parts Using Case-Based Reasoning and Past Process Knowledge. Applied Artificial Intelligence 16(4): 303-331 (2002)
6EEHsin-Chi Chang, Lijun Dong, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Wen F. Lu: Indexing and retrieval in machining process planning using case-based reasoning. AI in Engineering 14(1): 1-13 (2000)
5 Hsin-Chi Chang, Wen F. Lu, Xiaoqing Frank Liu: Reuse Machining Knowledge for Generating Process Plans or Axisymmetric Parts Based in Case-Based Reasoning. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(3): 225-252 (2000)
4EEXiaoqing Frank Liu: A quantitative approach for assessing the priorities of software quality requirements. Journal of Systems and Software 42(2): 105-113 (1998)
3EEWen F. Lu, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Hsin-Chi Chang, Lijun Dong: Feature-Based Representation and Indexing of Axisymmetric Parts in Machining Process Planning using Case-Based Reasoning. ICTAI 1997: 406-413
2EEXiaoqing Frank Liu, John Yen: An Analytic Framework for Specifying and Analyzing Imprecise Requirements. ICSE 1996: 60-69
1 Xiaoqing Frank Liu: A Quantitative Approach for Assessing the Priorities of Software Quality Requirements. SEKE 1996: 377-384

Coauthor Index

1V. V. N. S. N. Srirangam A. [15]
2Austin Armbruster [10]
3Monu Bambroo [9] [18]
4David A. Cape [21]
5Hsin-Chi Chang [3] [5] [6] [7]
6Ying Cheng [10] [13] [20]
7Anuj Dhungana [15]
8Lijun Dong [3] [6]
9Praveen Inuganti [15]
10Gautam Kane [9] [12] [16] [18]
11Yuji Kyoya [11] [12] [16] [17]
12Wen F. Lu [3] [5] [6] [7]
13Sojan Markose [13]
14Bruce M. McMillin [10] [19] [20] [21]
15Kunio Noguchi [11] [12] [15] [16] [17]
16Matt Ryan [10] [13] [20]
17Vishal Sadana [23]
18Scott Sigman [8]
19Sule Simsek [20]
20Robert B. Stone [22]
21Yan Lindsay Sun (Yan Sun) [11] [12] [16] [17] [19] [21]
22Irem Y. Tumer [22]
23Chandra Sekhar Veera [11] [17]
24Jayson P. Vucovich [22]
25John Yen [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)