
Xiaoqing Liu

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7EEXiaoqing Liu, Zhilong Xiu, Ce Hao: Drug-resistant molecular mechanism of CRF01_AE HIV-1 protease due to V82F mutation. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 23(5): 261-272 (2009)
6EEXiaoqing Liu, Olga Veksler, Jagath Samarabandu: Graph cut with ordering constraints on labels and its applications. CVPR 2008
5EEXiaoqing Liu, Zhilong Xiu, Xiaohui Li: Numerical characterization of the conformation of cyclic peptides and its application. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(16): 2545-2551 (2007)
4EEXiaoqing Liu, Jagath Samarabandu: Multiscale Edge-Based Text Extraction from Complex Images. ICME 2006: 1721-1724
3EEXiaoqing Liu, Ravi Viswanathan: A WWW Based Software Metrics Environment for Software Process Management and Software Product Quality Improvement. COMPSAC 1999: 301-304
2 John Yen, Xiaoqing Liu, Swee Hor Teh: The Acquisition, Analysis and Evaluation of Imprecise Requirements for Knowledge-Based Systems. AAAI 1994: 541-546
1 Xiaoqing Liu, Nengbin Wang, Guangfu Liu: An Expert System Building Tool Supporting Knowledge Compilation and Management. ICTAI 1993: 470-471

Coauthor Index

1Ce Hao [7]
2Xiaohui Li [5]
3Guangfu Liu [1]
4Jagath Samarabandu [4] [6]
5Swee Hor Teh [2]
6Olga Veksler [6]
7Ravi Viswanathan [3]
8Nengbin Wang [1]
9Zhilong Xiu [5] [7]
10John Yen [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)