
Sifeng Liu

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26 Jun Wan, Sifeng Liu, Haijing Xu: Research on The Intraday Periodities Based on Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transformations. DMIN 2008: 223-227
25EELiu Bin, Zhang Rong, Sifeng Liu: RFID Technology and its Perspective Analysis with KERGM(1, 1) Model. JCP 3(7): 9-15 (2008)
24EESifeng Liu, Jeffrey Forrest: The mysteries for continual growth of grey system theory. SMC 2007: 2155-2159
23EEJian-jun Zhu, Sifeng Liu, Li-hong Li: Research on interval grey preference information aggregation approach. SMC 2007: 2160-2164
22EEYing Wang, Sifeng Liu, Hecheng Wu: The right use of "with and without antitheses" in the post evaluation of construction projects - Using Lianxu speedway project as an example. SMC 2007: 2165-2169
21EEZhigeng Fang, Sifeng Liu, Aiqing Ruan: Study on a new duopoly strategy output-making model based on the experienced ideal output and the best strategy decision-making coefficient. SMC 2007: 2170-2175
20EEYaoguo Dang, Sifeng Liu, Jing Zhou, Chuan-min Mi: Study on the integrated decision model of Grey Hierarchy. SMC 2007: 2187-2190
19EELi-rong Jian, Sifeng Liu: The grey rough measure of knowledge based on rough membership function. SMC 2007: 2191-2195
18EEHecheng Wu, Wenyan Yan, Sifeng Liu: Analysis of the efficiency of regional electricity input-output for China based on grey DEA model. SMC 2007: 2200-2204
17EEZhang Rong, Sifeng Liu, Liu Bin: Supervising and appraising of harmonious society development grade of china based on grey system theories. SMC 2007: 2205-2209
16EEZiliang Wang, Sifeng Liu, Hongmei Ren: Sensitivity analysis of grey relational ordering. SMC 2007: 2210-2214
15EEJian-ling Wang, Sifeng Liu, Yao Guo Dang, Hai-jian Liu: Consumer evaluation of service brand extension based on gray preference analysis. SMC 2007: 2215-2218
14EEHongxing Shi, Sifeng Liu, Zhigeng Fang, Yuanhui Cheng, Haowei Zhang: The model of grey periodic incidence and their rehabilitation. SMC 2007: 2219-2222
13EELiu Bin, Zhang Rong, Sifeng Liu: RFID technology and its application forecasting with knowledge-embedded GM(1, 1) model. SMC 2007: 3854-3859
12EETan Xuerui, Deng Julong, Sifeng Liu, Pan Hongxing: Multi-stratum medical grey relational theory and its application research. SMC 2007: 3932-3937
11EEZaiwu Gong, Sifeng Liu: On Properties and the Corresponding Problems of Triangular Fuzzy Number Complementary Preference Relations. FSKD 2006: 334-343
10EELiu Bin, Zhang Hui, Sifeng Liu, Yaoguo Dang: Data Mining Techniques Based on Grey System Theories for Time Sequence Data. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 3(2): 73-82 (2006)
9EEBin Liu, Jian Chen, Sifeng Liu, Rong Zhang: Supply-Chain Coordination With Combined Contract for a Short-Life-Cycle Product. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 53-61 (2006)
8EEShunxiang Wu, Sifeng Liu, Maoqing Li: Study of Integrate Models of Rough Sets and Grey Systems. FSKD (1) 2005: 1313-1323
7EEYao Guo Dang, Sifeng Liu, Bin Liu, Xuewen Tang: Study on grey synthetic clusters appraisals model. SMC (3) 2004: 2398-2402
6EEYi Lin, Sifeng Liu: A historical introduction to grey systems theory. SMC (3) 2004: 2403-2408
5EETao Yong, Sifeng Liu, Zhigeng Fang: Analysis of the grey matrix game model in stock speculation for immediate price-margin based on grey information. SMC (3) 2004: 2409-2414
4EESifeng Liu, Yi Lin: An axiomatic definition for the degree of greyness of grey numbers. SMC (3) 2004: 2420-2424
3EEZiliang Wang, Sifeng Liu: Trend testing of grey dynamic models. SMC (3) 2004: 2438-2442
2EEZhigeng Fang, Sifeng Liu, Aiqing Ruan: Study on chain structure model of evolutionary game based on asymmetric case. SMC (6) 2004: 5818-5823
1EELiu Bin, Chen Jian, Sifeng Liu: An inventory model with constrained newsboy under renting-warehouse. SMC (7) 2004: 6015-6020

Coauthor Index

1Liu Bin [1] [10] [13] [17] [25]
2Jian Chen [9]
3Yuanhui Cheng [14]
4Yao Guo Dang [7] [15]
5Yaoguo Dang [10] [20]
6Zhigeng Fang [2] [5] [14] [21]
7Jeffrey Forrest [24]
8Zaiwu Gong [11]
9Pan Hongxing [12]
10Zhang Hui [10]
11Chen Jian [1]
12Li-rong Jian [19]
13Deng Julong [12]
14Li-hong Li [23]
15Maoqing Li [8]
16Yi Lin [4] [6]
17Bin Liu [7] [9]
18Hai-jian Liu [15]
19Chuan-min Mi [20]
20Hongmei Ren [16]
21Zhang Rong [13] [17] [25]
22Aiqing Ruan [2] [21]
23Hongxing Shi [14]
24Xuewen Tang [7]
25Jun Wan [26]
26Jian-ling Wang [15]
27Ying Wang [22]
28Ziliang Wang [3] [16]
29Hecheng Wu [18] [22]
30Shunxiang Wu [8]
31Haijing Xu [26]
32Tan Xuerui [12]
33Wenyan Yan [18]
34Tao Yong [5]
35Haowei Zhang [14]
36Rong Zhang [9]
37Jing Zhou [20]
38Jian-jun Zhu [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)