
Huaiyu Liu

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12EEHuaiyu Liu, Christian Maciocco, Vijay Kesavan, Andy Lock Yen Low: IEEE 802.21 Assisted Seamless and Energy Efficient Handovers in Mixed Networks. MOBILWARE 2009: 27-42
11EEHuaiyu Liu, Christian Maciocco, Vijay Kesavan, Andy Lock Yen Low: A smart triggering scheme to reduce service interruption during heterogeneous handovers. DSN 2008: 430-439
10EENiveditha Sundaram, Huaiyu Liu, Tsung-Yuan Charles Tai: Energy Efficient Communication in Multi-Radio PANs. GLOBECOM 2008: 5274-5279
9EESu Fong Chien, Huaiyu Liu, Andy Lock Yen Low, Christian Maciocco, Y. L. Ho: Smart Predictive Trigger for Effective Handover in Wireless Networks. ICC 2008: 2175-2181
8EEHuaiyu Liu, Christian Maciocco, Vijay Kesavan: Using Predictive Triggers to Improve Handover Performance in Mixed Networks. Networking 2008: 877-888
7EEFei Xie, Huaiyu Liu: Unified Property Specification for Hardware/Software Co-Verification. COMPSAC (1) 2007: 483-490
6EEJuncao Li, Fei Xie, Huaiyu Liu: Guiding Component-Based Hardware/Software Co-Verification with Patterns. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 67-74
5EESimon S. Lam, Huaiyu Liu: Failure recovery for structured p2p networks: Protocol design and performance under churn. Computer Networks 50(16): 3083-3104 (2006)
4EEX. Brian Zhang, Simon S. Lam, Huaiyu Liu: Efficient Group Rekeying Using Application-Layer Multicast. ICDCS 2005: 303-313
3EEHuaiyu Liu, Simon S. Lam: Consistency-Preserving Neighbor Table Optimization for P2P Networks. ICPADS 2004: 7-16
2EESimon S. Lam, Huaiyu Liu: Failure recovery for structured P2P networks: protocol design and performance evaluation. SIGMETRICS 2004: 199-210
1EEHuaiyu Liu, Simon S. Lam: Neighbor Table Construction and Update in a Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Network. ICDCS 2003: 509-

Coauthor Index

1Su Fong Chien [9]
2Y. L. Ho [9]
3Vijay Kesavan [8] [11] [12]
4Simon S. Lam [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Juncao Li [6]
6Andy Lock Yen Low [9] [11] [12]
7Christian Maciocco [8] [9] [11] [12]
8Niveditha Sundaram [10]
9Tsung-Yuan Charles Tai [10]
10Fei Xie [6] [7]
11X. Brian Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)