
Christoph Lingenfelder

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11EELiangzhao Zeng, Christoph Lingenfelder, Hui Lei, Henry Chang: Event-Driven Quality of Service Prediction. ICSOC 2008: 147-161
10EESarabjot S. Anand, Marko Grobelnik, Frank Herrmann, Mark F. Hornick, Christoph Lingenfelder, Niall Rooney, Dietrich Wettschereck: Knowledge discovery standards. Artif. Intell. Rev. 27(1): 21-56 (2007)
9 Erika F. de Lima, Christoph Lingenfelder: Presentation of proofs in modal natural deduction. J. Log. Comput. 10(4): 527-572 (2000)
8 Erika F. de Lima, Christoph Lingenfelder: Optimizing the Presentation of Modal Natural Deduction Proofs. ECAI 1996: 365-369
7 Stefan Decker, Christoph Lingenfelder: Überprüfung von Integritätsbedingungen in deduktiven Datenbanken durch SLDNF-Beweisanalyse und -strukturierung. WLP 1994: 61-64
6EEChristoph Lingenfelder, Sven Lorenz: Knowledge-based security administration in a distributed environment. CASCON 1993: 648-660
5 Stefan Decker, Christoph Lingenfelder: Universally Quantified Queries in Language with Order-Sorted Logics. GWAI 1992: 267-271
4 Christoph Lingenfelder, Astrid Schmücker-Schend: Using Knowledge-Based Methods to Administrate an Access Control System IWBS Report 222: (1992)
3 Freimut Bodendorf, Manfred Broy, Herbert Burkert, Albert Endres, Herbert Fiedler, V. Ilzhöfer, H. Kappus, Christoph Lingenfelder, C. Müller, Franz Stetter: Der rechtliche Schutz von Software: Aktuelle Fragen und Probleme - Ein Diskussionspapier des GI-Arbeitskreises Software-Schutz. Informatik Spektrum 15(2): 89-100 (1992)
2 Christoph Lingenfelder, Axel Präcklein: Proof Transformation with Built-in Equality Predicate. IJCAI 1991: 165-171
1 Christoph Lingenfelder: Structuring Computer Generated Proofs. IJCAI 1989: 378-383

Coauthor Index

1Sarabjot S. Anand (Sarab S. Anand) [10]
2Freimut Bodendorf [3]
3Manfred Broy [3]
4Herbert Burkert [3]
5Henry Chang [11]
6Stefan Decker [5] [7]
7Albert Endres [3]
8Herbert Fiedler [3]
9Marko Grobelnik [10]
10Frank Herrmann [10]
11Mark F. Hornick [10]
12V. Ilzhöfer [3]
13H. Kappus [3]
14Hui Lei [11]
15Erika F. de Lima [8] [9]
16Sven Lorenz [6]
17C. Müller [3]
18Axel Präcklein [2]
19Niall Rooney [10]
20Astrid Schmücker-Schend [4]
21Franz Stetter [3]
22Dietrich Wettschereck [10]
23Liangzhao Zeng [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)