
Christoph Lindemann

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57EESherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann: TCP with gateway adaptive pacing for multihop wireless networks with Internet connectivity. Computer Networks 52(1): 180-198 (2008)
56EEChristoph Lindemann, Lars Littig: Classifying web sites. WWW 2007: 1143-1144
55EEMarco Ajmone Marsan, Christoph Lindemann, Prashant J. Shenoy: Guest editorial. Perform. Eval. 64(9-12): (2007)
54EESherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann: Gateway adaptive pacing for TCP across multihop wireless networks and the Internet. MSWiM 2006: 173-182
53EEChristoph Lindemann, Lars Littig: Coarse-grained classification of web sites by their structural properties. WIDM 2006: 35-42
52EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Peer-to-Peer-Systeme für drahtlose Multihop-Netze. Informatik Spektrum 29(3): 222-226 (2006)
51 Thomas F. La Porta, Christoph Lindemann, Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer, Songwu Lu: Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM 2005, Cologne, Germany, August 28 - September 2, 2005 ACM 2005
50 Mario Gerla, Christoph Lindemann, Antony I. T. Rowstron: Perspectives Workshop: Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - New Research Issues, 9.-12. April 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005
49EESherif M. ElRakabawy, Christoph Lindemann, Mary K. Vernon: Improving TCP Performance for Multihop Wireless Networks. DSN 2005: 684-693
48 Christoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Epidemic Dissemination of Presence Information in Mobile Instant Messaging Systems. KiVS 2005: 29-40
47EESherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann: TCP with adaptive pacing for multihop wireless networks. MobiHoc 2005: 288-299
46EEMario Gerla, Christoph Lindemann, Antony I. T. Rowstron: P2P MANET's - New Research Issues. Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 2005
45EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Epidemic Data Dissemination for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Lookup Services. Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications 2005: 435-455
44EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Modeling epidemic information dissemination on mobile devices with finite buffers. SIGMETRICS 2005: 121-132
43EEAlexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann, Mary K. Vernon, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Characterizing the query behavior in peer-to-peer file sharing systems. Internet Measurement Conference 2004: 55-67
42 Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Relating Query Popularity and File Replication in the Gnutella Peer-to-Peer Network. MMB 2004: 305-314
41EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Exploiting epidemic data dissemination for consistent lookup operations in mobile applications. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 8(3): 44-56 (2004)
40EEChristoph Lindemann, Marco Lohmann, Axel Thümmler: Adaptive Call Admission Control for QoS/Revenue Optimization in CDMA Cellular Networks. Wireless Networks 10(4): 457-472 (2004)
39EEAlexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Peer-to-Peer Computing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MASCOTS Tutorials 2003: 187-208
38EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Consistency mechanisms for a distributed lookup service supporting mobile applications. MobiDE 2003: 61-68
37EEChristoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler: Performance analysis of the general packet radio service. Computer Networks 41(1): 1-17 (2003)
36 Christoph Lindemann, Marco Lohmann, Axel Thümmler: A Unified Approach for Improving QoS and Provider Revenue in 3G Mobile Networks. MONET 8(3): 209-221 (2003)
35EEAlexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann, Marco Lohmann: Modeling IP traffic using the batch Markovian arrival process. Perform. Eval. 54(2): 149-173 (2003)
34EEAlexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann, Marco Lohmann: Traffic Modeling of IP Networks Using the Batch Markovian Arrival Process. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2002: 92-110
33EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Evaluating the Impact of Different Document Types on the Performance of Web Cache Replacement Schemes. DSN 2002: 717-726
32EEChristoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: A Distributed Search Service for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing in Mobile Applications. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002: 73-80
31 Christoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Eine Protokollumgebung für Peer-to-Peer Dokumentenaustausch in infrastrukturlosen mobilen Umgebungen. WMAN 2002: 167-178
30EEChristoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler, Alexander Klemm, Marco Lohmann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Performance analysis of time-enhanced UML diagrams based on stochastic processes. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 25-34
29EEChristoph Lindemann, Marco Lohmann, Axel Thümmler: Adaptive performance management for universal mobile telecommunications system networks. Computer Networks 38(4): 477-496 (2002)
28 Christoph Lindemann: Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications, Second Edition by Kishor S. Trivedi. Wiley, New York, 2001, ISBN 0-471-33341-7. Perform. Eval. 50(1): 77-78 (2002)
27 Christoph Lindemann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Evaluating Cooperative Web Caching for Emerging Network Technologies. DFN Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2001: 91-100
26EEChristoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler: Performance Analysis of the General Packet Radio Service. ICDCS 2001: 673-680
25 Christoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler: Evaluating the GPRS Radio Interface for Different Quality of Service Profiles. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2001: 291-301
24 Günter Haring, Christoph Lindemann, Martin Reiser: Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions Springer 2000
23EEChristoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler, Alexander Klemm, Marco Lohmann, Oliver P. Waldhorst: Quantitative system evaluation with DSPNexpress 2000. Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 12-17
22 Christoph Lindemann, Martin Reiser: Internet performance modelling. Perform. Eval. 42(2-3): 87-89 (2000)
21 Mark Crovella, Christoph Lindemann, Martin Reiser: Internet performance modeling: the state of the art at the turn of the century. Perform. Eval. 42(2-3): 91-108 (2000)
20EEChristoph Lindemann, Andreas Reuys, Axel Thümmler: The DSPNexpress 2.000 Performance and Dependability Modeling Environment. FTCS 1999: 228-231
19 Christoph Lindemann, Andreas Reuys, Martin Reiser: Modeling Web Proxy Cache Architectures. MMB 1999: 37-48
18 Christoph Lindemann, Axel Thümmler: Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets with Concurrent Deterministic Transitions. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 35-54 (1999)
17EEWolfgang K. Giloi, Christoph Lindemann, S. Pletner: Modeling Node Architectures. MASCOTS 1998: 226-
16 Günter Haring, Christoph Lindemann, Martin Reiser: International Workshop Performance Evaluation - Origins and Directions. Operating Systems Review 32(2): 2-3 (1998)
15EEChristoph Lindemann: Performance Modelling with Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26(2): 3 (1998)
14EEChristoph Lindemann: Special issue on stochastic Petri nets. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26(2): 4 (1998)
13 Christoph Lindemann, Gerald S. Shedler: Numerical Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets with Concurrent Deterministic Transitions. Perform. Eval. 27/28(4): 565-582 (1996)
12 Christoph Lindemann, Friedrich Schön: Modeling Relaxed Memory Consistency Protocols. MMB 1995: 385-400
11 Christoph Lindemann: DSPNexpress: A Software Package for the Efficient Solution of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. Perform. Eval. 22(1): 3-21 (1995)
10 Gianfranco Ciardo, Christoph Lindemann: Comments on "Analysis of Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization by Means of Stochastic Petri Nets". IEEE Trans. Computers 43(12): 1453-1456 (1994)
9EEGianfranco Ciardo, Reinhard German, Christoph Lindemann: A Characterization of the Stochastic Process Underlying a Stochastic Petri Net. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(7): 506-515 (1994)
8 Reinhard German, Christoph Lindemann: Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets by the Method of Supplementary Variables. Perform. Eval. 20(1-3): 317-335 (1994)
7 Christoph Lindemann, Gianfranco Ciardo, Reinhard German, Günter Hommel: Performabilty Modeling of an Automated Manufacturing System with Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. ICRA (3) 1993: 576-581
6 Christoph Lindemann: DSPNexpress: A Software Package for the Efficient Simulation of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. MASCOTS 1993: 373-374
5 Christoph Lindemann, Friedrich Schön: Evaluating Sequential Consistency in a Virtually Shared Memory System by Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. MASCOTS 1993: 63-68
4 Christoph Lindemann: Performance Modeling Using DSPNexpress. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials 1993: 291-306
3 Christoph Lindemann: An Improved Numerical Algorithm for Calculating Steady-State Solutions of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Net Models. Perform. Eval. 18(1): 79-95 (1993)
2 Christoph Lindemann: Employing the Randomization Technique for Solving Stochastic Petri Nets Models. MMB 1991: 306-319
1 Christoph Lindemann: An Improved Numerical Algorithm for Calculating Steady-State Solutions of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Net Models. PNPM 1991: 176-185

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer (Elizabeth M. Belding) [51]
2Gianfranco Ciardo [7] [9] [10]
3Mark Crovella [21]
4Sherif M. ElRakabawy [47] [49] [54] [57]
5Mario Gerla [46] [50]
6Reinhard German [7] [8] [9]
7Wolfgang K. Giloi [17]
8Günter Haring [16] [24]
9Günter Hommel [7]
10Alexander Klemm [23] [30] [34] [35] [39] [42] [43] [47] [54] [57]
11Lars Littig [53] [56]
12Marco Lohmann [23] [29] [30] [34] [35] [36] [40]
13Songwu Lu [51]
14Marco Ajmone Marsan [55]
15S. Pletner [17]
16Thomas F. La Porta (Tom La Porta) [51]
17Martin Reiser [16] [19] [21] [22] [24]
18Andreas Reuys [19] [20]
19Antony I. T. Rowstron [46] [50]
20Friedrich Schön [5] [12]
21Gerald S. Shedler [13]
22Prashant J. Shenoy [55]
23Axel Thümmler [18] [20] [23] [25] [26] [29] [30] [36] [37] [40]
24Mary K. Vernon [43] [49]
25Oliver P. Waldhorst [23] [27] [30] [31] [32] [33] [38] [39] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)