
Xiao-Hui Lin

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11EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Hui Wang: Cross-layer design for energy efficient communication in wireless sensor networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9(2): 251-268 (2009)
10EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok: On Energy Efficient Communications over Rayleigh Fading Channel with Delivery Rate and Delay Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICPP Workshops 2007: 70
9EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Hui Wang: On Improving the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks under Time-Varying Environment. LCN 2007: 520-530
8EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Hui Wang: On channel adaptive energy management with available bandwidth estimation in wireless sensor networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(7): 877-892 (2007)
7EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok: CAEM: A channel adaptive approach to energy management for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 29(17): 3343-3353 (2006)
6EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok: On Channel Adaptive Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICPP Workshops 2005: 397-404
5EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Vincent K. N. Lau: A Quantitative Comparison of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols with and without Channel Adaptation. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 4(2): 111-128 (2005)
4EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Vincent K. N. Lau: On Power Managed Multiple Access Control in an IEEE 802.11 Based Ad Hoc Wireless Network. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(3): 491-515 (2004)
3EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Vincent K. N. Lau: Power Control for IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks: Issues and A New Algorithm. ICPP 2003: 249-256
2EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Vincent K. N. Lau: A genetic algorithm based approach to route selection and capacity flow assignment. Computer Communications 26(9): 961-974 (2003)
1EEXiao-Hui Lin, Yu-Kwong Kwok, Vincent K. N. Lau: RICA: A Receiver-Initiated Approach for Channel-Adaptive On-Demand Routing in Ad Hoc Mobile Computing Networks. ICDCS 2002: 84-

Coauthor Index

1Yu-Kwong Kwok [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
2Vincent K. N. Lau [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Hui Wang [8] [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)